My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 404

It is stipulated to gather at the gate of the school at 9 o\'clock. The school has already had classes. In addition to more than a dozen school buses, there are only team leading teachers and senior three students at the gate of the school.

Each school bus can seat more than 50 people, enough for each class, that is, one school bus for each class.

When Xia Yunshu arrived, JunLiu and Qi Yue had arrived and stood in a prominent position waiting for Xia Yunshu.

In fact, it is not so much that their position is conspicuous that others fear them and automatically vacate their position when they see them standing there, which makes their position conspicuous.

Since knowing that Xia Yunshu\'s boyfriend is Qi Jing, Qi Yue has become very sensitive and sensitive to Qi Jing\'s exclusive car. There were so many cars for students at the school gate that she saw it the first time Qi Jing\'s car appeared.

"My brother\'s car!"

For Qi Jing, even if she learned that he and Xia Yunshu were lovers, she was half a mother\'s family, Qi Yue still inexplicably retreated.

This is not, see Qi Jing\'s car, she subconsciously exclaimed.

Fortunately, there was a lot of noise around, and everyone was a distance from them. No one heard her scream, otherwise it would be her. I don\'t know what the scene would be like.

In Yucheng, almost no one has never heard of Qi Jing, the eldest and youngest of the Qi family, but few have seen him. If you know that he appears here, even if you are afraid to approach because of fear, you may curiously stretch your neck to see

Qi Yue trembled at the thought of her brother being watched like a monkey and her brother\'s cold face.

Compared with her, JunLiu is much more calm.

After all, JunLiu is a pure mother\'s family. Even though he is afraid of Qi Jing, he is Xia Yunshu\'s mother\'s family first, which represents the strength of Xia Yunshu\'s mother\'s family. The first time I saw Qi Jing, he was so shocked that he was a little downwind, but now he won\'t.

"It will be very blocked if we come again. We won\'t let them come. Let\'s pick up the boss and say hello to Qi Dashao by the way."

Qi Yue actually didn\'t want to see her brother, but Jun Liu spoke. The key is that she didn\'t know how much luggage Xia Yunshu took, and finally followed up.

Before reaching the car, someone got off the car first and said hello to them: "Miss Qi, classmate Jun."

It\'s Chu Zhan.

As a monitor who needs to organize everyone to gather, it\'s a little surprising that he came so late.

As soon as he got off the bus, another person came down.

It\'s a girl.

Qi Yue only remembered that Chu Zhan was the monitor of Xia Yunshu and JunLiu. She was not familiar. The other party said hello. Looking at Xia Yunshu and JunLiu, she nodded faintly and was ready to move on. It was Jun Liu who stopped to see the man who followed Chu Zhan down from the car.

Zhao Panpan of their class?

There was no other person in his eyes except learning. His relationship with Chu Zhan seemed to be flat. He actually came to school in the same car.

Xu Shi saw his doubts. When Chu Zhan opened the trunk to pick up his luggage, he explained with a smile: "my car broke down on the way here. I was going to take a taxi. I just met Zhao Panpan and gave her a lift."

So it is. He thought there was gossip.

Jun Liu smiled: "I\'ll pick up my boss."

Chu Zhanyi saw that Qi Yue had stopped by the black car behind them.

Chu Zhan and Zhao Panpan, who came to help with the suitcase, subconsciously looked at it

This look, directly stunned.

Through the windshield, they saw a young male driver driving. Of course, they were not stunned by the male driver, but the back seat of the vehicle.

Or two people kissing passionately in the back seat of the car.

One of them is their familiar Xia Yunshu.

Chu Zhan, on the other hand, naturally knew him.

Qi Jia Da Shao, Qi Jing.

But Zhao Panpan is only familiar with Xia Yunshu.

But no matter Chu Zhan, who was familiar with them, or Zhao Panpan, who was only familiar with Xia Yunshu, was shocked to see this scene.

They did not expect that Xia Yunshu, who is usually quiet and clever, has such a fanatical side. It is not difficult to see the active person Xia Yunshu when they kiss.

Kissing the back, she sat directly across each other\'s legs, hugged each other\'s neck and kissed fiercely.

While the other party sat there, although he also put his hand around her, it was more like passive bearing.

That\'s the Qi family!

Chu Zhan exclaimed.

There was a sound of "lying trough" without image of JunLiu.