My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 403

"You just said... How many days?"

Xia Yunshu blinked and smiled at him: "four days."

Another knife: "start early tomorrow morning."

Qi Jing: "

Dingding looked at her, her eyes were faint. If she stared at others, she would have been trembling with fear by him.

But it didn\'t scare Xia Yunshu at all.

On the contrary, the more terrible his eyes were, the happier Xia Yunshu smiled.

"I said don\'t be angry."

"... I\'m not angry." But four days is too much. He still drives six hours back and forth, so he can\'t find her after work.

"Why didn\'t you tell me earlier?" Let him have no psychological preparation.

If he had told him earlier, he would have arranged his affairs in advance and followed him.

"It\'s not that I didn\'t want to tell you earlier. It was the school that notified me this morning. I also knew."

"Your school doesn\'t inform the parents of such a big thing in advance?"

"This kind of outdoor class will be organized once or twice a year in each grade, which is not a big thing for the school. After all, in their view, this is also a part of the student curriculum. The school does not need to specially notify the parents one by one. The students can go home and inform the parents by themselves."

"No, I\'ll tell my brother."

Long eyelashes blinked and looked up at him: "brother doesn\'t want me to go?"

"Not really." Qi Jing\'s tone seemed to have a helpless sigh.

If he sent her to school, he would not interfere too much with her life in school. She was missing so much. These experiences and experiences as a student are what she should have.

He realized that now, they had never separated. Suddenly, there was no sign to separate for four days. He couldn\'t accept it.

"Since the school\'s curriculum, go." Eyes fell over her right shoulder.

It\'s also that her injury is about to recover. If her injury is still serious, he won\'t agree with her to go.

"Isn\'t my brother angry?"

Qi Jing pinched her face: "what am I angry about the school curriculum? Is my brother so unreasonable?"

Xia Yunshu smiled and shook her head: "No."

Seriously, she was surprised that he compromised so quickly. She thought he would be angry. She needed to coax.

"Where?" Qi Jing asked.

"It\'s a tourist village in banlin. Does my brother know?"

Qi Jing shook his head. He had never heard of it. He didn\'t know which small village it was. There are few places around Yucheng that he doesn\'t know. He hasn\'t even heard of it. It seems that it\'s really far away.

But Qi Jing\'s answer was, "I know."

I don\'t know. Just check it out.

"Since it\'s early tomorrow morning, go back and pack up now. Pack up your things, wash and go to bed early and have a good rest."

It\'s a three hour drive to the countryside. The road is still bumpy.

With that, Qi Jing really led Xia Yunshu back.

He didn\'t make trouble with her. She packed up some changed clothes and there would be many personal belongings of girls and children. He didn\'t follow her to her room and stared. He sent her back to her room, so he went to the study.

However, she probably needs to bring something. Qi Jing told her on the way back to the main building. When she got up in the morning, she reminded her again that Xia Yunshu didn\'t miss anything.

In fact, according to her steady character, even without Qi Jing\'s reminder, she will not miss anything, but she is still very happy with Qi Jing\'s tireless reminder.

The next day, Qi Jing personally sent her to the school.