My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 402

Her words made Qi Jing\'s heart "click" for a while, and then when he saw her expression, he suddenly lifted his heart and slowly put it down.

He thought she was going to say that they knew each other well and didn\'t point out anything. He wasn\'t prepared. Seeing her look as usual and with the usual light and sweet smile, he was sure it was not what he thought.

"What\'s up?"

Flick her forehead: "say something to your brother and say hello in advance? Are you taking your brother as an outsider?"

His strength was still a little heavy. Xia Yunshu had a pain in her forehead. "Ouch" gave a cry of pain, covered her forehead and complained: "where am I to say hello in advance? I just thought of it."

"Then what are you serious about?" It made him think more.

Take away her hand, stretch out her thumb and rub her forehead: "it hurts?"


Xia Yunshu just wanted to say it didn\'t hurt, but his next action stopped him.

There was a gentle and warm wind blowing through his forehead. He bent down and blew gently: "blowing doesn\'t hurt. How can the skin be so tender? It turns red with a flick."

Xia Yunshu: "

His soft tone and his behavior towards children make people a little unspeakable. At the same time, his heart is inexplicably soft.

It\'s complicated.

Clap his hand and stare at him angrily: "I know my skin is tender. Brother, don\'t always play on my forehead in the future. You\'re going to play on my full forehead."

Qi Jing chuckled: "I will use exaggerated words to impose my brother\'s crime, so that my brother will have more pity on you."

Xia Yunshu choked on his words.

He rolled his eyes silently.

Back to business, Qi Jing is no longer teasing her.

"After walking for such a long time, go and sit there and have a rest? Just tell me what you want to tell your brother."

Not far away, there is a wooden bench under a tree, which is also by the fish pond.

Xia Yunshu led her there by Qi Jing.

The bench was facing the fish pond, and they sat down.

As soon as Qi Jing sat down, he folded his legs and put one hand on the back of the bench, so that Xia Yunshu sat on his side and leaned against his arm.

His slender posture makes his action look elegant and full of inexplicable desire.

That is, Xia Yunshu leaned against his side and didn\'t see his face at this time. Otherwise, how could they talk about things well.

For getting close to Qi Jing, Xia Yunshu always did whatever she wanted, and never restrained herself.

"What\'s up, say it."

Before opening her mouth, Xia Yunshu leaned against Qi Jing, put her hands around his waist and chin in his arms, looked up at him and looked up at him.

"Brother, I said don\'t be angry."

As soon as she leaned over, Qi Jing took back his hand on the back of the bench, hugged her waist and looked at her: "why am I angry?"

While talking, his eyes were slightly deep.

What would make him angry?

She\'s leaving?

I don\'t know why, Qi Jing subconsciously thought of this.

"Anyway, promise me first. Don\'t be angry."

"Shu Shu, it\'s unfair for you to let me promise not to be angry without saying."

The two eyes were opposite. Xia Yunshu naturally saw the emotion in Qi Jing\'s eyes clearly and sighed: "well, it\'s really unfair."

Facing his eyes, she rubbed intimately in his arms: "in fact, it\'s not a big deal. The school organizes outdoor development classes for all senior three students. I\'ll go."

"Since it\'s an outdoor development class for all senior three students, isn\'t it normal for you to go? What can I be angry about?"

I thought it was something.

However, the next second, I heard Xia Yunshu say, "four days, six hours\' drive back and forth."

Qijing moment: "...!"