My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 401

Mengqiushan scolded enough and fell to the ground.

The nominal leader of the Meng family is Meng feiran\'s father, and Meng feiran\'s father is not in charge. The power is in the hands of Meng churan, Meng feiran\'s brother. Meng churan and Meng feiran want to liquidate and deal with other industries of the Meng family. He has no room for objection, and Meng Qiushan naturally can\'t manage it.

So Meng feiran said that if Meng Qiushan didn\'t want to leave, he would have no place in Yucheng.

Now stop the loss in time and leave, and you can keep most of the industry. The longer the time is delayed, with the current adverse public opinion on the Mongolian family, the Mongolian family\'s situation will only be worse.

Mainly because the Qi family spoke openly, no one dared to oppose the Qi family.

In this way, however, in a few days, the Meng family and the Du family, which had more or less influence in Yucheng, slowly disappeared in Yucheng.

However, the situation of the Meng family and the Du family is different.

The Du family secretly left like a rat crossing the street. The Meng family took the initiative to leave when the situation was very unfavorable to the Meng family. The Meng family saved most of their industry, but the Du family only saved a small part of their property enough to make a living in the future.

Mengqiushan is naturally unwilling to leave like this. He plans to go to the Qi family\'s old house to plead with master Qi. The master directly says he is ill and doesn\'t see a guest; He couldn\'t bear to beg Qi Jing before. He thought that if a person of Qi Jing\'s grandfather\'s generation begged him, he would make him unable to lift his head. Finally, he went to Shengrong group.

Of course Qi Jing didn\'t see him.

He wanted to play Qi Yue\'s idea again. After Meng feiran found it, he stopped it directly.

Meng Qiushan lost his freedom and was forcibly taken away from Yucheng by Meng feiran.

Of course, it\'s all three days later.

Time back to the present.

Xia Yunshu returns to Jinyuan after school.

Qi Jing came back later than her. She returned to Jinyuan, went upstairs, put her schoolbag in her room, changed her clothes, and waited in the living room for more than ten minutes before Qi Jing came back.

"Qi Shao!"

The servant\'s respectful greeting reminds Xia Yunshu that Qi Jing is back.

Happy to look back at the entrance of the gate. When she saw the familiar person, Xia Yunshu stood up happily, bypassed the sofa and walked towards him.

Seeing her, Qi Jing\'s expressionless face suddenly added an indistinct softness and walked towards her. He walked faster than her, and soon came to her and held her in his arms.

Holding people in his arms, Qi Jing felt that his fatigue of working all day had dispersed, and his heart also had a sense of belonging.

I just feel very peaceful.

Xia Yunshu hugged him back with a waxy voice: "brother, it\'s hard to go to work."

"It\'s hard for us to go to school."

Gently loosen her, hold her hands and look down at her. Her eyes are full of tenderness: "are you hungry? Sorry, a meeting ended a little late today and came back late."

Xia Yunshu took a look at the hands held by his two hands respectively, looked up at him, and reluctantly disagreed: "what did my brother say to me, I\'m sorry, or for such a small matter. Even this time, I\'ll be angry next time."

"It\'s less than half an hour. I\'m not waiting for you? Is it in my brother\'s eyes that I\'m such an impatient person?"

Seeing her as if she was really angry, Qi Jing pulled her into his arms again and held her wearily: "it\'s my brother\'s fault. Shu Shu, don\'t be angry."

He doesn\'t know whether she is a patient person, but after spending so much time with him, he knows that she is very patient with him.

Let her wait for others, she may not be happy, but she is willing to wait for him.

"This will not be the case."

"Not again!"

"Then wash your hands and eat. My brother has been working all day. He should be hungry now."

After dinner, they walked and ate in the yard hand in hand. Xia Yunshu suddenly stopped by the fish pond in the yard.

She stopped, and Qi Jing, who was led by her, naturally stopped.

I thought she was going to stop here to have a look. After all, the scenery is good. Especially in the evening, the fish pond surrounded by many green vegetation looks more beautiful against the sunset.

However, after he stopped, he habitually went to see Xia Yunshu. Xia Yunshu was not looking at the scenery in front of him, but staring at him.

In his puzzled eyes, she said, "brother, I have something to tell you."