My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 793

If their restaurant can promote the new product of rice flower fish, it will certainly set off a wave of fish eating upsurge in Jiangcheng.

Yuan steward is very open-minded. He is very interested in what qixingyun revealed.

Not only interested, he also specially reported it to the shopkeeper.

Shopkeeper Cao was surprised by qixingyun\'s sudden appearance.

He has been looking for this man for a long time, but he hasn\'t found it.

This time I heard that qixingyun brought new business. Shopkeeper Cao was very happy and just left qixingyun for a good lunch.

During lunch, they talked for a long time about pheasants and rice fish.

Shopkeeper Cao wants both, and the price he gives is not low.

He always has a sense of novelty about new things, and according to his judgment of Jiangcheng market, these two will have special potential in market competition.

This is undoubtedly good news.

For Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun, their previous efforts will have a good return

"In two days, shopkeeper Cao will personally come to our house to check and accept pheasants." Qixingyun finally said.

"That\'s OK. We\'ll take a holiday for everyone on this day. I\'ll help you at home." Late roe path.

"Why have a holiday?" Du Qi, who suddenly sprang out, said he was puzzled.

"Because our family is selling pheasants recently, we have to go home and work." Chi Ziyu explained.

Du Qi was a little lost. "Well, I want to see my sister every day."

Chi Ziyu smiled and didn\'t speak.

"By the way, our Impatiens mud is now ready to air.

Go and get the jar for me. I\'m fine now. I\'ll dye your nails. "

"OK, OK."

Ducky jumped to get the jar.

Chi Ziyu ordered Aunt Zhang to bring her prepared leaves.

After evaporating some water, the Impatiens mud is still very shiny and moist.


"This is the first time I dye my nails. If it doesn\'t look good, Xiao Qi, don\'t cry."

Before dyeing his nails, Chi Ziyu made psychological preparations for Du Qi.

Du Qi completely believed in Chi Ziyu. "I\'m not afraid of my sister. Just dye it. I believe the nails you dye must be the best I\'ve ever seen."

"Net will flatter me." Chi Ziyu smiled and said angrily.

I didn\'t say much at the moment. I took some flower mud and put it on one of Duqi\'s fingernails, wrapped it with leaves and wrapped it.

The same is true of the other nine fingers.

Chi Ziyu\'s movements are patient and meticulous.

Not long ago, Du Qi\'s ten fingers were wrapped with green leaves.

The fingertips of ten fingers are green and look a little rough and swollen.

"Go back and have a good sleep today. You can take it down tomorrow morning and see the effect." It\'s done, Chi Zi fish way.

Du Qi admires his fingernails contentedly and says, "sister, you are really great."

"Sister, would you like to dye one, too? I can help you."

"Me, I won\'t dye it. It\'s inconvenient."

"Don\'t worry, sister. It\'s just a day\'s work. You just need to sleep one night. It won\'t delay you. I can dye it for you."

Chi Ziyu thought, "all right."

So Duqi began to dye his fingernails very seriously.

To be honest, Chi Ziyu doesn\'t trust Du Qi at all.

He likes talking and laughing. He seems to lack some thinking and is not stable enough.

Chi Ziyu is worried about her work.