My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 794

So Chi Ziyu has to pick her up all the time.

"Are you dyeing your nails?" A young woman with exquisite makeup suddenly came up and asked.

"Yes, this is a troublemaker\'s Impatiens mud, which is specially used to dye nails." Chi Ziyu nodded.

"Impatiens can dye nails. I\'ve heard of this.

But do you provide nail dyeing in your store? I also want to dye one. I\'ve never dyed it. " Asked another woman.

"If you want to dye your nails, I can dye them for you now. I\'m good at it, too." Duqi cut in.

The woman looked at her hesitantly.

Du Qi\'s Impatiens juice was dirty on his sleeve. It looked very bad.

So the woman didn\'t speak.

But the expression on his face was full of distrust.

Chi Ziyu said, "we do provide nail dyeing in our store, but it\'s too late today. We can\'t do it until tomorrow."

As soon as they heard it, they were satisfied.

"OK, as long as it\'s the landlady, you can dye it for us any day."



Duqi\'s face turned green.

They would rather believe in Chi Ziyu a little more. They have no feeling for Duqi\'s ability at all.

"Do you want to charge for this?"

"Yes, ten Wen a nail." Chi Ziyu thought.

She started planting Impatiens in order to develop the nail dyeing Market, and the price was determined by her comprehensive balance.

This price is not cheap, but it is not expensive. It is a general level acceptable to everyone.

The two women nodded.

"That means ten nails and a hundred Wen? OK."

They have never planted Impatiens at home. Sometimes they just want to dye their nails. They can\'t find such a special service place at all.

"Thank you for your support. If you are not satisfied with the nail dyeing at that time.

You can come to me and I\'ll take full responsibility. " Late roe path.

"Well, with the words of the landlady, we will come to dye your nails."

"Yes, madam boss, you are clever and handy. We must be satisfied with your dyeing."


After the two women left, Duqi was about to cry.

"Sister, do I look so unreliable? Why don\'t they believe me?

Obviously, even your sister believes me so much and asks me to dye your nails. " Duqi asked unconvinced.

"It\'s not their fault. You\'re just here. They don\'t know you.

When they come into contact with you slowly, they will naturally know your ability.

But you have to show your best to everyone, otherwise people still can\'t believe you. "

"Well, I know what to do. I will convince everyone of me."

"Very good."


It\'s really inconvenient to dye your fingernails.

Dinner was cooked by Qi Xingyun.

Chi Ziyu wrapped his fingers and could only do some light work to help him.

But qixingyun enjoyed it very much.

"As for you, just stay with me, raise your nails for me, and wait for my meal." Qi Xingyun told her.

"Dyeing nails is really troublesome..." Chi Ziyu couldn\'t help muttering.

Planting flowers is troublesome. It\'s troublesome to apply them, and it\'s troublesome to keep them after wrapping them.

Fortunately, it only takes one night.

"Just look good. It doesn\'t matter.

You\'re not the only one in the family. I\'ll do the work you can\'t do. "