My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 792

Although Duqi is very warm and affectionate to anyone, Xiaoya just doesn\'t like her.

Two people occasionally stand together and don\'t talk much.

Xiaoya feels that Duqi has only such a master as the boss\'s wife in her eyes, and she despises anyone else.

She feels a bit snobbish.

Xiaoya grew up in an honest family and has always hated those hypocritical and flattering people

In the kitchen.

Du Qi and Chi Ziyu are chatting everywhere.

Childhood anecdotes from childhood talk about the pain and happiness of growing up, and then talk about getting married and having children.

Du Qi learned that it was an incredible marriage between Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun.

From no interference to wrong.

From the narrow road of friends to helping each other, raise a case to meet the eyebrows, and love is deep.

Du Qi felt that he was obedient, just like the story in the book. It was really moving.

So Du Qi was amazed at the whole process.

"Sister, you and your brother-in-law are too sweet. Unexpectedly, your brother-in-law is so considerate to you..."

"It\'s the first time I\'ve heard of such a good man."

"Sister, I want to marry a man who is as good as my brother-in-law and can be special to me."

"Yes, you can find such one in the future."


Qixingyun didn\'t come back at lunch, but Chi Ziyu left a meal for him after everyone finished eating.

In the afternoon, qixingyun came back.

I also brought a piece of good news.

He negotiated with a restaurant about pheasant and fish.

Coincidentally, they have been to that restaurant before.

It\'s Bora restaurant, where they once sold bird\'s nest.

At first, qixingyun didn\'t expect to go there directly. He just happened to pass by and the manager yuan of that family just came back from outside.

Steward yuan has always been very impressed by Qi Xingyun.

After all, up to now, qixingyun is the first to sell bird\'s nest in the restaurant.

The previous bird\'s nests have made the restaurant a lot of money, which has virtually improved the grade and competitiveness of their family.

Now there are more and more dignitaries and nobles coming to their Bora restaurant. At first, everyone came here admiring the noble name of bird\'s nest. Unfortunately, their restaurant can\'t come out now.

I couldn\'t find qixingyun. Later, it became a pity.

I didn\'t expect Huangtian to live up to his heart. Steward yuan met qixingyun again today.

Naturally, steward yuan wanted to follow the routine of qixingyun and asked him if he was willing to continue to get bird\'s nest in the mountains.

Previously, their restaurant also released news that they bought bird\'s nests collected in the mountains with a large amount of money.

Unfortunately, no one came.

The bird\'s nest is located in a cave. The environment is extremely bad. If you don\'t pay attention, you may fall into the abyss and be broken to pieces.

Ordinary people do not dare to take risks for big money.

At the beginning, qixingyun chose to go to such a dangerous place to take bird\'s nest, which was also forced by the situation.

Now life is slowly on the right track. Qixingyun naturally won\'t take such a risk easily, so he politely refused.

But he intentionally or unintentionally revealed that he raised pheasants and rice fish.

Sure enough, steward yuan was deeply attracted by him.

Pheasants are nutritious and valuable. Those dignitaries will order pheasants for dinner.

The rice flower fish, although only an ordinary fish species, grew up in the rice field, and its taste must be different from that of ordinary fish.