My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 791

She is also an old woman. She is not interested in stealing teachers and learning skills. She wants to work and make money in peace of mind.

"What about Xiaoqi? Is she a relative of the boss\'s mother\'s family? I think she knows the boss\'s mother very well."

Xiaoya\'s tone is very peaceful.

Aunt Zhang saw through her dissatisfaction at a glance and said clearly, "Xiaoqi, like you, just came today.

She is not a relative of the landlady. You two are at the same level now. "

"Really?" Xiaoya doesn\'t believe it.

"Whatever you do, you can do it safely.

The landlady\'s heart and eyes are bright. She can see who is good and who is bad at a glance. "

Xiaoya doesn\'t know much about Chi Ziyu and doesn\'t know who she is, so she has some doubts about Aunt Zhang\'s words.

But he nodded and said, "well... OK."

"You are still young. You may not be able to see some things now, but over time, you will understand.

To be a man, we should be more realistic, one step at a time. " Aunt Zhang said earnestly.

Xiaoya nodded stupidly, "I see, Aunt Zhang, thank you."



The mashed petals should be placed for half a day to evaporate water.

During this period, Chi Ziyu went to buy vegetables for lunch, and others asked Chi Ziyu to stay for dinner.

Normally, they don\'t pack food, but these days, Chi Ziyu handles things in the store, so they also pack their lunch for free.

It\'s just that everyone has dinner together.

Qi Xingyun went out to the restaurant to talk about business this morning. He hasn\'t come back yet, so Chi Ziyu is busy in the back kitchen alone.

Not long ago, Duqi left the front yard and came to the backyard again.

"Sister, are you cooking lunch? Let me help you."

"Isn\'t Aunt Zhang teaching you to recognize flowers and plants? You know them all?"

"Well, I remember it clearly. I have a good memory. I can remember it when Aunt Zhang says it again." Du Qi said confidently.

Chi Ziyu smiled, "in that case, if there\'s nothing wrong, go and have a rest. The kitchen has a heavy smell of oil smoke and is not suitable for you."

"I don\'t know. You can come, sister. I want to help you cook.

You see, you cook for everyone today. If you want to do this and that alone, you must be too busy. I just want to help you. "

Chi Ziyu couldn\'t resist her. "You are so stubborn, that\'s all right."

"Yes!" Du Qi happily came to help.

"Sister, what can I do for you?"

"Please help me wash these vegetables first."



In the front yard, Aunt Zhang is still patiently teaching Xiaoya to recognize flowers and plants.

After Xiaoya found that Duqi had slipped away, the whole person was a little absent-minded.

With her intelligence and good memory, Du Qi remembered Aunt Zhang\'s things at once.

After learning it once, he said he would learn it. He didn\'t have to learn it again. He also said he would go to the backyard to help his sister cook.

Aunt Zhang has a good temper, so she didn\'t say anything about Duqi.

But in Xiaoya\'s eyes, Du Qi\'s blatant laziness is opportunism!

But Aunt Zhang told her not to be jealous of Xiaoqi.

Because no matter what they did and what they really did for, the clear-minded landlady could see it.

Xiaoya doesn\'t know whether Chi Ziyu can find Du Qi\'s hypocrisy


In Xiaoya\'s eyes, Du Qi is a particularly hypocritical person.