My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 787

She really hates Dan Xiang\'s mouth. Can\'t she even praise her?

Damn it! In vain, she has always regarded her as a good friend. If she does this again in the future, it\'s better to make friends!

Wait, she will go to Li Hei tomorrow and let Li hei and his family come from home to help collect rice.

She had to prove to those women who didn\'t know the superiority of heaven and earth that her men loved her, or they wouldn\'t work in their house.

She wants Dan Xiang to open her eyes and have a good look. She doesn\'t have the ability to find such a good man, but it doesn\'t mean she can\'t find it!

She is the happiest woman in Yunshui village!

She must be jealous of Dan Xiang and Wu Hui!


The first thing Chi Ziyu did when he returned to the store was to write a recruitment post.

Qixingyun also came to help today.

With him, things in the shop are relatively easy.

However, recruitment still needs to be recruited. Chi Ziyu wants to recruit two more back.

She plans to expand the size of her shop, and more people can help.

She posted this post and soon someone came in.

A beautiful girl named Du Qi.

Chi Ziyu sat opposite her and chatted the next day to understand her general background.

Du Qi\'s family didn\'t farm land. His parents worked for people in the city.

Du Qi said he was so old that he should come out and find something to do and earn some pocket money for himself.

Du Qi is warm and Chi Ziyu is refreshing.

Here, the two talked happily.

"Sister, just call me Xiao Qi. Our family is like this.

I\'ll be the servant in your shop. You don\'t have to be so polite to me. " Du Qi said with a nice smile.

She is actually very talkative.

She called Chi Ziyu one by one, and highly praised her.

He kept saying that he was a servant and deliberately opened the distance between them.

In this way, it is easy for the late fish to have a sense of superiority.

"The people we recruit will never be inferior. You don\'t have to look down on yourself." Chi Ziyu smiled faintly.

Du Qi\'s eyes turned and smiled, "well, Xiao Qi is young and ignorant and misunderstood.

But you are really good, sister. I like you so much.

Sister, can I work in your house now? I promise I will work hard in your house from now on.

You must not be lazy, and you must not give your sister trouble. "

"Yes." The late fish nodded gently.

"Then I\'ll go to work!" Duqi quickly stood up and said.

"Sister, what am I going to do today? Why don\'t I mop the floor."

Without waiting for Chi Ziyu\'s answer, Du Qi had asked for the mop from Aunt Zhang, who mopped the floor, and dragged the floor diligently.

Chi Ziyu looked at her busy back and burst into laughter.

"Little fish." Mrs. Qian and they suddenly came in and interrupted Chi Ziyu\'s thoughts.

"Come so early." Chi Ziyu quickly got up and said, "sit down."

"Don\'t worry. We heard that your family is bringing pheasants today. We\'re here to get them." Baifu humanity.

"Brought them all, two for each, both big and fat."

"Where are the eggs?" Asked Mrs. su.

"Don\'t worry, the chicken and eggs you want are here. Don\'t stand. Sit down quickly. I\'ll have someone transfer you some cups of litchi cream."

Then Chi Ziyu called Aunt Zhang and told her to mix three bowls of litchi cream.