My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 788

As a result, Ducky rushed over quickly.

"Sister! Sister! Let me come! I can\'t do anything! I should learn more!" Du Qi said excitedly.

It looks like an innocent and lively little girl who doesn\'t know the world.

Chi Ziyu smiled helplessly, "that\'s OK. Aunt Zhang, take Xiaoqi to get familiar with how to make litchi cream."

Aunt Zhang also had some helplessness about Du Qi\'s enthusiasm. She was even more enthusiastic than her original longevity, but she nodded, "HMM."

"Xiao Qi, come with me."


Duqi happily put down the mop and followed Aunt Zhang to the backyard.

Several ladies stared at Duqi\'s figure and looked confused.

When did new people come to the store? They don\'t know at all.

Chi Ziyu explained with a smile, "the girl\'s name is Xiaoqi. She\'s a new recruit in our store today. She works very enthusiastically."

"That little mouth is very sweet. It\'s called your sister. I think she\'s about the same age as you." Mrs. Qian couldn\'t help joking.

"One year younger than me." Late roe path.


In the backyard.

Aunt Zhang mixed litchi cream and Du Qi learned it on the spot.

"Aunt Zhang, what is this?"

Du Qi is like a curious baby. She has to ask Aunt Zhang what she does.

"This is ginger juice." Aunt Zhang said patiently.

"Then this... This is black plum?"


"Do you have anything else to do in your shop besides litchi cream?"

"Of course, haven\'t you heard of our shop before?" Aunt Zhang asked.

Du Qi shook his head blankly. "I\'ve only heard that it used to be haunted here, but I don\'t know your shop."

"Are you afraid to work in our place?"

"What do I have to be afraid of? They all say I don\'t do bad things. I\'m not afraid of ghosts knocking at the door. I\'m not afraid of bad things."

"That\'s good. In the past, no one came to our place. Slowly, business will get better."

"Aunt Zhang, how do you make this litchi cream? How should I learn it in the future?"

"You can learn it by watching me. It\'s actually very simple." Aunt Zhang said, "please help me make that stove first. I\'m going to start cooking litchi cream."

"Oh." Duqi went obediently.

"Aunt Zhang, you\'ve been with sister Xiaoyu for so long. You must have learned a lot of ways to make delicious food."

"Fortunately, I\'m very stupid. Every time, the landlady has to equip things first before I can adjust them.

I can\'t do it alone. "

"Why don\'t you learn how to match that Aunt Zhang?"

"That\'s the exclusive secret recipe of the landlady. What shall I learn?"

"That\'s right. Aunt Zhang, you\'re very kind."

"Look at you, your mouth is so sweet..."


"Pheasants and eggs you want." Qi Xingyun helped to carry the cage.

When the ladies saw the colorful pheasants, they opened their eyes in surprise.

"The live pheasant looks so beautiful." Mrs. Qian said in surprise.

"The meat is also delicious." Chi Ziyu answers.

"It must be."

"How fat..."

"The chickens raised in the mountains are fed to the ground every day, only three or four kilograms." Late roe path.

"If you catch a pheasant every day to replenish your body, it must be very good." Baifu humanity.

"Of course."