My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 786

It must be blind to really praise her!

Any sow looks better than her.

Qishuipei didn\'t know what they were thinking, so he just hummed proudly.

In Chi Ziyu\'s eyes, these people are like children who haven\'t grown up.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t bother to argue with them.

So whatever they said, Chi Ziyu went back without saying a word.

Dan Xiang was a little strange, "eh? Why did she leave without saying a word?"

"There\'s nothing to say. We don\'t go quickly. We won\'t catch up with the carriage of Er Gouzi\'s house later." Qishuipei interrupted.

Er Gouzi is a rare carriage in the village. Other people\'s homes are all in the lowest grade donkey carts.

Not even the fourth brother\'s house.

With that, qishuipei took the lead in moving forward, and the two girls followed closely.

"Shuipei, I heard that your fourth sister-in-law is doing big business in the city. Is it true?" Dan Xiang asked curiously.

"That\'s a big business? What money can I make? That\'s a little money, not as much as my third brother.

They are shameless! Boast about yourself everywhere. " Qishuipei has no good airway.

"No? They didn\'t contract such a big mountain.

Now I\'m still in the flowering grass Shop. How can I make less money than your third brother? You\'re kidding. "

"I lied to you? That\'s funny. My third brother is a scholar.

Now teaching in the best Academy in Jiangcheng, does anyone in your family have the ability to go there?

If you don\'t, don\'t guess. You don\'t know how good the treatment of that academy is. You don\'t have to teach for a long time every day.

Last time I went to the Academy with my father and them to see my third brother. Even the Dean was respectful to him. He was awesome! " Qi shuipei said proudly.

"Wow! Really?" The two girls were shocked.

"Is it true or false? If you haven\'t seen the world yourself, don\'t interrupt. It looks like you have no knowledge. Hum."

"All right." Dan Xiang said thoughtfully, "in that case, your third sister-in-law longan.

Are you lucky enough to marry your third brother as a scholar? "

"No, she can marry my third brother. It\'s just that their ancestors smoke, and others can\'t ask for it.

My third brother will be a dignitary in the future. Can you compare with him? "

"As you say, you will be the sister of a dignitary in the future. Why don\'t you let your third brother find you a rich family to marry.

As a housewife, you will be in charge of all the money in the house in the future. You can still call others to serve you every day. "

"My mother said that if you marry someone, you have to marry. Yes, no matter how good a family is.

A man who doesn\'t hurt or love himself is like a widower. No matter how good his life will be in the future. "

"You said the same..."

"Does your fiance hurt you?" Wu Hui asked.

"It hurts. Why doesn\'t it hurt? He hurts me. He often comes to my house for dinner."

"What\'s the use of eating? You have to do something.

You haven\'t seen Jiayu in our village. She hasn\'t married yet.

But now her fiance always comes to her house to help her work. She is very diligent. Jiayu\'s mother likes her fiance. "

Qi shuipei sneered unhappily, "I tell you, my fiance loves me and loves me. He will certainly come to my house to help.

You don\'t have to worry so much when you\'re full. Mind your own business! "