My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 785

Shu Liu got up from the ground with a embarrassed face and shouted, "you did it on purpose! You don\'t want face!"

Chi Ziyu mockingly hooked the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "I don\'t want face? You want face when you hit people?"


Shu Liu bit her teeth and waved her claws.

"Sorry, I\'m still in a hurry to go home for dinner. I don\'t have time to dally with you here. Go and wash your face yourself.

You see, you fell and even spent your makeup. How can you go out and meet people? You really have courage.

I\'ll go back first. Help yourself. "

With that, Chi Ziyu walked away.

Shu Liu stamped behind her angrily, "dead woman! Come back!"

Chi Ziyu looked back calmly: "do you have anything else? It\'s okay."

"I\'m definitely going to Laifu for today. It\'s not over with you!"

Chi Ziyu was amused. He raised his eyebrows and said, "call my brother to come with me? You\'re really seedless."


Shu Liu picked it up first. As a result, he couldn\'t take chi Ziyu\'s move and wanted to move to save the soldiers. It\'s really shameless.

In Chi Ziyu\'s eyes, is it true that Shu Liu and her third brother are a perfect couple without a family.

Chi Ziyu went back so smartly. Before he left, he heard Shu Liu crying and scolding angrily.

My heart is especially relieved

When I got home, I happened to see Qi shuipei and her two little sisters dressed up and going out.

"Eh, is that your fourth sister-in-law?" Dan Xiang had sharp eyes and saw the Chi Zi fish who had just returned home.

Qishuipei glanced faintly and disdained to say, "yes, so what? What\'s good about her."

Dan Xiang said, "your fourth sister-in-law looks very good and..."

"Just her? She\'s so ugly!" Qishuipei answered immediately.

Chi Ziyu turned his head inexplicably.

She heard those people talking about themselves, but she didn\'t want to talk.

Dan Xiang looked at Chi Ziyu and said, "no, although her clothes are not as good-looking as shuipei\'s, she is better than you."

Dan Xiang said this on purpose. She wanted to stimulate Qi shuipei.

She specially came to qishuipei to go shopping today. As a result, qishuipei was showing off her beautiful and valuable clothes all the way. Dan Xiang was very upset.

Dan Xiang wants to say that qishuipei\'s clothes are beautiful, but wearing qishuipei is like flowers inserted in cow dung. It doesn\'t match at all.

If you let her wear it on her, it will definitely look like a fairy. It\'s a hundred times more beautiful than qishuipei!

"Dan Xiang, you are still not my good sister. Do you talk like that!

It\'s obviously that I look better than that woman. What\'s your broken eye! " Qi shuipei\'s face is full of depression.

Chi Ziyu felt ridiculous when he heard the speech.

It\'s true that people go home. Disaster comes from heaven.

She\'s probably not fit to go out today.

First I met Shu Liu, who was looking for trouble, and then I met Qi shuipei, who was higher than heaven.

Who else will you meet next?

Dan Xiang saw Qi shuipei lose his temper, so he was unwilling to be soft. "Yes, you\'d better see shuipei.

You are the most beautiful woman in our village. No one looks better than you, don\'t you, Wu Hui. "

The girl named Wu Hui agreed with a flattering smile, "yes, as long as we shuipei say the second beauty, no one in our village dares to say he is the first."

In fact, I\'m not willing to praise her at all.

Is qishuipei also a beauty?