My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 784

Shu Liu also came to the river to wash clothes today.

She came very late. She came only when Chi Ziyu was leaving.

The two men looked at each other without warning.

Out of politeness, Chi Ziyu smiled and called her sister-in-law.

As a result, Shu Liu turned her white eyes, looked at her without looking at her at all, and twisted her waist and left.

Chi Ziyu is speechless.

There\'s no need to hate her appearance so much.

It happened that she didn\'t want to talk to Shu Liu.

Each goes its own way and has nothing to do with each other.

She took her own wooden basin and walked forward decisively. Shu Liu behind her suddenly made a noise, "Laifu has such a heartless sister as you. I don\'t know if it\'s bad luck for eight generations.

I hold so much money, but I ask you to take some money out and die. "

"I don\'t know if he\'s had eight bad luck. I only know that it\'s bad luck to meet a crow in the morning." Chi Ziyu returned to her unchanged.

"You! What are you talking about!" Shu Liu\'s face changed and she was in a hurry.

"I said I saw a crow. You think I said something.

It\'s really funny. I didn\'t say you. You\'re so angry. Don\'t you admit that you\'re a crow? " Chi Ziyu said sarcastically.

Shu Liu stamped her foot fiercely, "you\'re obviously scolding me! A vicious woman like you will break the sky sooner or later!"

"What did I do wrong?

Be reasonable. At least you are still my sister-in-law.

You scolded me indiscriminately. Why don\'t you worry about thunder and lightning! " Chi Ziyu joked.

Shu Liu\'s hand holding the basin turned slightly white.

"I don\'t want to be your sister-in-law! Our late family doesn\'t have such a wolf like you!"

"Sorry, my name is Chi Mingzi fish, and your name is Shu Mingliu.

Do you deserve to say that when an outsider comes to slander my late family? Ah. "

Shu Liu was so angry that her face turned red, "why don\'t I deserve it? Wait, little fish!

When Laifu has the ability, sooner or later our family will step on you under your feet!

I let you down! Don\'t try to climb out of the ditch in your life! I make you jealous of our family to death! Deserve it! "

You\'re welcome, Chi Ziyu.

"I said, are you sick? Did I provoke you?

Catch me early in the morning and scold me. If you are sick, please go to the barefoot doctor to prescribe medicine!

Your ability to make money is none of my business! I didn\'t give the money to your family now. What\'s the matter? I\'m jealous? The dog jumped over the wall?

Jump, jump higher.

I bah! You don\'t want this face! I\'m poor and don\'t know what\'s the use of catching me and scolding me!

Do you think my family runs a charity hall! Why should I give you money! "

"You scold me again!" look fierce.

"I really scolded today. What\'s the matter? You\'re the one who came to scold!

OK, of course I\'m satisfied with you. You just didn\'t get benefits from me!

Those who have hands and feet can\'t earn it! Really think of yourself as a loser? You have a face! "

"Chi Ziyu! You\'re shameless, smelly shameless. I\'ll kill you today..."

Shu Liu was so angry that she threw down a large basin of clothes and rushed over.

As a result, before the man approached, Chi Ziyu tripped with a foot suddenly stretched out.

"Ah --"

Shu Liu suddenly fell off guard and the dog gnawed at the mud.

Chi Ziyu stood up innocently, "Oh! Sorry.

I didn\'t notice just now. I tripped you. "