My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 783

As long as you can stay away from this home, it\'s easy to say anything.

Now she really understands how right it was to separate the four rooms.

No one can stand Wang\'s eccentric mother-in-law who loves to be a demon.

Qiduo fell into thinking, "is this... OK? My mother won\'t agree."

"We can find another chance later." Longan coaxed, "how did your four brothers divide their families at the beginning, so do we."

"My fourth brother broke his leg. My mother was afraid of being implicated by him, so she separated them.

Where do you know that later, his legs not only improved, but also started business.

Now their lives are rising, which makes my second brother jealous. "

"They can all share, so can we. Let\'s find a way.

Togo, I really can\'t live like this. " Longan finally couldn\'t hold back and burst into tears.

It takes a long time to get back to life.

He never thought about separation.

My mother is so partial to him that she almost loves him as much as her life. She must be reluctant to let him leave her shelter.

How could he... How could he be so cruel not to kiss his mother?

Longan didn\'t speak until she saw Qiduo. She also had some resentments in her heart.

"Togo, what are you thinking? Can\'t I have this idea?

There is no feast that never ends. So many people in our family will be separated one day. Now it is also for everyone\'s good. "

"Stop talking." Qiduocai thought more and more and felt more uncomfortable, so he interrupted softly.

"I don\'t want to hurt my mother\'s heart now. Let\'s talk about it later."

Longan smiled bitterly, "okay."

At the moment, Qi duocai had no interest at all and turned over and came down from her.

"Go to bed early." He said.

Longan suddenly felt empty.

Is he angry?

She didn\'t say she wouldn\'t do it with him. She just wanted to make it clear first.

Why is he unhappy?

Longan some unwilling to take a finger to poke Qi duocai, "brother duocai..."


"You just..."

How can she take the initiative in such a thing? What a shame.

"I\'m so tired now. Go to bed. You didn\'t just say you were tired."

Longan bit his lip, "HMM."

Another sleepless night.

Early in the morning.

Chi Ziyu first lights the fire for breakfast, burns the water, and then goes to the chicken house to catch the chicken.

A total of five fat chickens were caught, carried out and packed separately in a cage, and the remaining chickens were put out for feeding.

Qixingyun is cleaning the chicken house with a shovel, and the shoveled chicken cakes are carried to the field for fertilization.

The chicken chizi fish was weighed again. Each one weighed three or four kilograms.

Already very fat.

These chickens are usually fed with regular food in the chicken farm.

There are many insects on the mountain itself. Chi Ziyu also planted grass on the mountain. When the grass grows tall, chickens can eat grass seeds again.

You can eat every day.

After Chi Ziyu was busy, Xiao Wang followed her.

Xiao Wang goes wherever she goes.

After breakfast, Chi Ziyu went to wash his clothes. Xiao Wang didn\'t pass. He was afraid that Chi Ziyu would bathe him.

There are a lot of people along the river at this time, especially today.

When she went, everyone came back from work.

Now it\'s double robbery. We get up early and work hard every day.

On his way, Chi Ziyu saw busy farmers in the rice field.

Now there are few people who can be as calm as Chi Ziyu.