My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 782

Qi duocai went back to the house. He took off his clothes and lay in bed waiting for longan.

But his mind was full of spring and palace pictures. His blood was boiling and he couldn\'t sleep at all.

Why hasn\'t ah yuan come back yet

Why haven\'t you come back yet

I haven\'t come back yet

He can\'t hold it.

Finally, there was a movement in the main room.

Longan washed his hands and came back with his tired body.

If a talent touches the bed, let Qi duocai fall down.

Longan almost screamed in surprise. Fortunately, it was restrained.

He tore at her clothes and kissed her lips.

"Ah yuan, I\'m going to miss you so much..." Qiduo shouted excitedly.

At the moment, the whole person is like a hungry beast.

Longan is the little fat sheep waiting to be caught. It\'s soft and people can\'t wait to swallow it.

Many people are hungry and thirsty.

Longan is tired and sleepy. It doesn\'t even have the strength to cater. It only allows qiduocai to take whatever he wants.

Qi duocai also felt her coldness today and couldn\'t help wondering, "ah yuan, what\'s the matter with you? Why are you so unhappy?"


Longan turned his head and held back his uncomfortable tears.

Qi duocai\'s movements stagnated and said, "did I hurt you?"

"No..." her voice was small, "just a little sleepy."

"It\'s all right. We won\'t be sleepy after we do it for a while."

"Togo, can you hurry up today? I want to go to bed early."

Qi duocai was a little embarrassed, "but I just learned some new postures today..."

He wants to fight all night.

"What?" Longan is unheard of.

Qi duocai smiled and whispered something in her ear.

Longan blushed like sunset, "this can\'t... Really can\'t, I\'m so tired..."

"No." Qi duocai changed the solemnity of the scholar in the daytime, deliberately pushed her and said, "I\'ve been waiting for you for so long."

Longan said in embarrassment, "do you know what I\'m doing tonight?"

"Yes, you\'re mending your mother\'s shoes."

"I also sewed clothes for shuipei. Did you just hear shuipei scold me?"

Qiduocai looked confused and forced, "did she scold you? When did she scold? Why didn\'t I hear? What did she scold you?"

"She said I didn\'t deserve you." Longan bit her lower lip and said, "you must have studied too hard and didn\'t hear it. I don\'t blame you."

"Maybe." Qi duocai is absent-minded.

"Togo, I\'m so tired to stay in your house..." longan\'s voice choked.

"Don\'t be sad. When I pass the exam, I\'ll let you be my first lady.

If I invite my servant to serve you, you will never have to suffer like this again. "

Longan smiled bitterly, "your next exam will be two years."

Can he really pass the exam?


How can she endure these two years.

"You don\'t always stay at home." Longan\'s voice was obviously crying, "I\'m helpless in your house.

No one came out to help me when I was wronged. There was no one else except my sister-in-law who occasionally came forward to help me speak. "

"Ah yuan, don\'t cry." Qiduocai painfully wiped away her tears.

He can\'t see girls shed tears. It\'s really distressing.

"If you have anything to say to me, what I can do will help you do it, okay?"

"Can you find a chance in the future and tell your mother to take me to the city, too? Our husband and wife can\'t always live apart like this." Longan road.