My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 781

"I think you are very kind." SIDO didn\'t approve of her.

Chen Xiang sighed again. "When I was a child, my mother always taught me to be kind and filial.

Be nice to others and filial to your elders, so that you can have a clear conscience. "

"We have done well."


"It is said that good people have good returns, and we should have good returns." SIDO touched her swollen belly to change the subject.

Chen Xiang\'s face darkened and said, "her father, I have a bad feeling..."

Qiduodi frowned, "what\'s the matter?"

"This baby may still be a girl. I dream that she is in my stomach."

Another girl

Qiduodi was stunned for a while and murmured, "if it\'s true, it\'s all life..."

Chen Xiang couldn\'t help crying, "sorry, her father, it\'s useless for me."

"Don\'t feel bad. We still have a chance. We can have a lot of children. We can always have a son."

"I\'m afraid my mother will scold me again."

Qiduodi was sad and uncertain, "No."

"My mother wants a grandson so much, but I always give her a granddaughter."

"The fourth brother\'s family doesn\'t have a child. We have one anyway.

They don\'t worry about the fourth brother. What are we worried about so much? "

"They are busy now. They don\'t want to have children. They are different from us."

"Come on, don\'t say these despondent words. They all say that dreams are the opposite.

Maybe you have a son. If you really have a son later, my mother will be happy again. "

Chen Xiang\'s sad face was hard to understand. "I hope so."


The moon is in the middle of the sky.

"Ah yuan, why don\'t you sleep?" Qi duocai studied the spring palace in the house. His whole body was hot and dry. Finally he couldn\'t help coming out and asked.

Longan is still sewing on qishuipei\'s dress and dare not be distracted.

Hearing the speech, he looked up wrongfully and said, "I\'ll go to bed later. You go to bed first."

She has tried very hard not to shed tears for her man.

It will hurt to see it later.

She needs to be strong.

Qi duocai frowned. "How long do you need? I\'ll wait for you."

"It should be almost ready."

Qi shuipei sews this dress carefully and doesn\'t dare to slack off at all.

Qiduo was delighted. "Then I\'ll wait a little longer."

"Go to bed first. I\'m afraid you\'re in a hurry."

"Don\'t worry, don\'t worry. Finish sewing your clothes quickly. It\'s easy to say anything." Qi duocai\'s eyes were full of different lights and quickly tunnel.

When longan caught it, he blushed and whispered, "what are you thinking? Don\'t you go to sleep quickly."

Qiduocai laughed, "no, I\'m really waiting for you."

Longan blushed and whispered, "I see."

But in his voice, he could not hide his fatigue.

After sewing, I still have a hard battle to fight. I don\'t know if I can bear it.

In fact, longan doesn\'t think much about these things, but her family duocai is so kind to her that she really can\'t refuse his needs.

And Han also taught her before she got married.

Whenever a husband has any requirements for himself, he should try to meet them.

Men, if their women are not satisfied, they will run out to find others.

Qi duocai has such a black history ahead. Han Shi doesn\'t trust him at all.