My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 780

"You bully my daughter, that\'s bullying me!" Wang\'s vicious way.

"No, never again."

Longan is full of grievances and tears.

"Don\'t pretend in front of me! I\'m not a versatile person in my family. I won\'t be deceived by you fox!" Wang said.

Longan was speechless, so she had to bite her lips tightly and didn\'t speak.

Qishuipei is satisfied and doesn\'t care about longan.

She said, "don\'t pretend to be poor there, sister-in-law. It\'s business to sew clothes for me quickly.

If I can\'t put on my clothes tomorrow, you see I won\'t clean you up!

Also, you have to sew the ground for me. You can\'t see any trace, or you\'ll pay me! "

Longan was stunned, "do you want to compensate?"

"What do you think? Do you know how expensive this dress is? One or two silver! If you dare to break it, I\'ll ask you to pay me two silver!"

Longan flat mouth, "this..."

"Why don\'t you sew clothes for me and grind them.

You didn\'t say to go to bed early. If you don\'t sew quickly, you won\'t want to sleep tonight! "

"I see."

"Come on, mom, let\'s go back to bed."

"Ah." Wang answered and told longan, "move quickly. Don\'t be lazy. Do you hear me!"

"Well, I hear you."


"Who did you scold when you went out?"

Qijiabao couldn\'t sleep. Hearing the noise outside, he couldn\'t help opening his mouth to break the cold situation.

Wang sneered, "who can I scold? Several daughters-in-law are disobedient. If I don\'t discipline them well, they won\'t have to go to the house to uncover the tiles!"

Qijiabao said, "you really are. You can\'t be better for the children."

"How can I be good? When am I not good to them.

It\'s them who don\'t talk! It\'s good not to be angry with me! " Wang is angry.

Qijiabao saw that she began to compete again and didn\'t bother to quarrel with her.

"Forget it, you can do whatever you want. I don\'t care about you."

With that, qijiabao turned over and slept in.

He has always had nothing to do with Wang\'s unreasonable trouble.

Wang took off his clothes and went to bed. "Lie in there for me. I don\'t have to sleep."

Qijiabao moved in a little.

Wang turned his head and gave him a silent look.

Qijiabao turned his back to her and was indifferent.

What does Wang want to say? Take a deep breath.

Pull up the thin blanket and force yourself to sleep with your eyes closed.

She\'s really fed up with the two arguing about such trivial things every day.

The old man doesn\'t know how to think for her. He will only take advantage of outsiders and blame her!

The mud can\'t hold up the wall!


Big room.

The two husband and wife still snuggle up and talk together.

"Father and mother quarreled again." Chen Xiang worried.

Their two houses are adjacent. You can hear anything next door.

Qiduodi said, "just quarrel. They have quarreled for decades and haven\'t been tired of quarreling."

Chen Xiang sighed, "my mother is so strong... I just heard my mother scolding my third brother and sister. I think my third brother and sister are very poor now."

Qiduo brother snorted disapprovingly, "you only see her poor. At the beginning, you did no less work than her. Why don\'t you feel poor."

Chen Xiang lowered her eyes and said, "I\'m sister-in-law. Naturally, I have to bear more things and take care of these siblings."