My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 779

"What do you mean, sister-in-law? You mean I deliberately call you."

"Pei\'er, I don\'t mean that. Don\'t get me wrong."

Longan doesn\'t want to annoy Qi shuipei.

"That\'s not what I mean?" Qi shuipei Leng hum, "then why don\'t you sew clothes for me."

"Don\'t you know I\'m going shopping in the city tomorrow? If I don\'t have clothes tomorrow, I think you can tell my mother!"

Longan said secretly, who are you? You have such a big face. It\'s good to force her to sew clothes. I\'ve never seen it. It\'s shameless!

There was no sign of unhappiness on his face.

She said, "shuipei, can\'t you try on other clothes?

It\'s so late today. I really don\'t have time to sew for you. I\'ll sew for you when I have time tomorrow night. How about it?

My good sister, just make do with it. I have to work in the field tomorrow. I stay up too late today, and I won\'t get up tomorrow... "

"No! I just can\'t! If I have to put on new clothes tomorrow, won\'t you mend my shoes tomorrow?

Is my clothes important or your broken shoes important? "

"My mother asked me to mend those shoes."

"Oh, you mean you only listen to my mother, not my sister-in-law!

OK, I know what you mean.

I\'ll tell my mother now. I said you didn\'t pay attention to my sister-in-law at all. You see, my mother doesn\'t scold you! "

With that, Qishui ran angrily to call Wang.

"Niang! Niang! Niang! Come out quickly. I have something to find you!"

Wang is sitting opposite qijiabao in the house. He can\'t sleep at all.

Smell the speech and come out.

"What are you doing? What happened?"

"Mother, third sister-in-law, she won\'t sew clothes for me!" Qi shuipei complained loudly.

"I won\'t sew clothes for you?" Wang was confused.

"It\'s my pink dress today. I just accidentally broke it." Qishuipei road.

"I asked my third sister-in-law to sew clothes for me, but she refused. I\'m so angry! Don\'t you know I\'m going to wear them to go shopping tomorrow?

If I can\'t wear nice clothes, Dan Xiang will laugh at me when they see me! "

Wang said, "isn\'t it just sewing clothes? What\'s wrong with my third daughter-in-law?

Why, she\'s too young to ask you to do things? Don\'t forget she\'s your sister-in-law. "

Longan said, "Mom, I don\'t mean that, but it\'s really late today. I\'m going to sew tomorrow."

"Still tomorrow? Wait till tomorrow when all the flowers are gone! What\'s the matter? You despise my daughter, don\'t you!

Let you do something to die! How could our family marry such a pretentious woman as you!

Thanks to our talent, marrying you is like a flower in cow dung! "

Facing Wang\'s question, longan was ashamed.

"Well, I\'ll sew it tonight."

Qishuipei was proud to hum.

"Third sister-in-law, you are really good. I asked you to sew clothes for me, but you refused.

If my mother comes, you will. Do you mean to run on me? "

"I really don\'t!"

"I don\'t listen to your explanation. Don\'t think I didn\'t know you were such a vicious person!

If you hadn\'t bluffed, my third brother couldn\'t have married you back! "


"My third daughter-in-law, I can tell you what my family Peier will ask you to do in the future. You still push three obstacles and four obstacles like now. You see, I won\'t screw you!"