My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 778

"Don\'t you have a sister-in-law and a second sister-in-law? Why do you want me to come to see millet?

Sister-in-law and sister-in-law, they eat all day and don\'t work. Mom, you\'ve gone too far with them. "

"Mother didn\'t..."

Wang Shi is really good tempered in front of Qi shuipei.

"OK, then go. My mother won\'t stop you." Wang\'s heart softened.

Qishui Peixin flower was in full bloom: "thank you, mom. I knew you were the best! You hurt me most!"

Wang was a little worried and said, "if your father knew you would go shopping at this time, he would say you were lazy again."

"Let him go. I don\'t care about him. Girls just have to love themselves.

By the way, mom, you have something to buy. I\'ll buy it for you. "

"Just buy some soy sauce and come back." Wang thought and said.


"Then you continue to change your clothes and go back to bed."

"OK, mom, you remember to go to bed early."

"Don\'t go to bed too late, or you won\'t have the spirit to go shopping tomorrow."

"I see."

Qishuipei continues to enjoy her beautiful clothes and skirts.

From top to bottom, from inside to outside.

It\'s gorgeous and perfect.

Qishui Pei loves his clothes.

They will be amazed by themselves when they go out in this shining suit tomorrow.

Her clothes are not only expensive, but also very beautiful.

Qishuipei has enjoyed it for a long time and is ready to change it for tomorrow.



The dress cracked.

At that time, Qi shuipei\'s heart was about to break.


My clothes... "

Why is it broken? She hasn\'t had time to wear it.

How can she wear it out tomorrow

Qishuipei was annoyed for a while. Suddenly she remembered that she could ask her sister-in-law to help her.

As long as it is mended tonight, she can still wear it out beautifully tomorrow.

Sister-in-law\'s female worker is so good that it\'s nothing to mend this dress.

Without much thought, Qi shuipei went out with his clothes to find Chen Xiang.

I happened to see longan mending shoes in the hall, while the door of Chen Xiang\'s room was closed.

Qishuipei simply transferred his object, "third sister-in-law, please help me mend my clothes."

Longan looked up strangely, "what clothes to mend?"

"Just this one. I bought it newly and haven\'t worn it out yet. I accidentally scratched it when I just changed it.

I\'m still waiting to go shopping tomorrow. Sister-in-law, you must help me mend it, or I\'ll have no clothes to wear tomorrow. "

"Can\'t you mend it yourself?"

"Which eye of yours has seen me mend, I certainly won\'t!" When the water is abundant, it comes to the airway.

"I\'ll make it up for you tomorrow. I\'m a little tired today..."

Longan looks tired.

"No, I\'ll wear it tomorrow. Anyway, you have nothing to do now. Won\'t you help me?

I won\'t waste you much time, and you really will.

If it\'s my sister-in-law, she must help me make it up right away. You\'re still grinding haw.

This is not willing, that is not willing, what do you want! "

"I\'m still mending my shoes. It\'s so late now."

"What\'s the night? My sister-in-law used to sew my dowry until the early morning!

Why can\'t you? Why are you so pretentious? "

"I..." longan said nothing to her, still gentle, "why can\'t you do it yourself.

You are such an adult, and you let others work for you every day. "

Qishuipei\'s face suddenly changed.