My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 772

"If you live with your fourth daughter-in-law like this, sooner or later she will lose all your hard-earned money..."

Chi Ziyu looked innocent. "What did I do to waste? When did I say I would lose those viscera and don\'t eat?"

"Don\'t try to deceive me! You don\'t think I know who you are.

Old four is confused. Even if you deceive me, I\'m an old woman. You can deceive me, but you can... "

Chi Ziyu is so funny.

"I lied to you? Mom, you\'re really funny. If you don\'t know anything, you accuse me of wasting my family\'s food.

Don\'t slander people like that. If you don\'t believe it, just go to the kitchen and see if those things are still there. " Chi Ziyu rushed out.

Wang changed his face and soon calmed back, "I won\'t go to your place, lest you say later that I went to your house to steal."


When did she say that Wang stole his own things.

Qixingyun couldn\'t help but say, "chicken gizzards and everything are still kept. The little fish hasn\'t lost it. Mom, you misunderstood."

"Yes." Chi Ziyu agreed, "Mom, if you don\'t understand things, why do you slander people without distinguishing right from wrong? You have to hurt our hearts."

"How can I slander you? It\'s just..."

Chi Ziyu interrupted, "Mom, I know you are diligent and thrifty and reluctant to eat and wear.

But I can\'t spend as much money as you said.

If I really can\'t live, my family will not have been defeated by me long ago.

You still need to wait until now. Mom, you really don\'t believe me. Do you really treat me as an outsider?

Mother, I\'m your daughter-in-law, and I\'m also a member of your family, but mother, you\'re too chilling for me. "

With that, Chi Ziyu pretended to wipe the corners of his eyes.

Wang: "

"Don\'t I care about you, old fourth daughter-in-law? Look at your attitude."

"What attitude can I have? I\'m calmly reasoning with my mother." Chi Ziyu squeezed out a bitter smile.

"Mom, you don\'t want to listen. Now we are in charge of our own family.

Niang, you are old too. You\'d better take more rest to keep your body and mind, and you can still live a long life. "

"Poison woman! How dare you curse me? Don\'t you think I..."

Wang\'s face turned white with Chi Ziyu\'s anger and was about to get angry.

"How dare I? I\'m not doing it for my mother." Chi Ziyu continued to ask Qu Baba to wipe his tears. "Mom, you really wronged me. I\'m really wronged."

Wang\'s anger didn\'t hit a place, "you install it again."

"How can I pretend? You just don\'t believe me."


Chi Ziyu put down his tearful hand.

"By the way, mom, would you like some chicken blood? There are only two people in our family. We can\'t finish it, or you can take it back to eat.

I know I always make you unhappy. This is my daughter-in-law\'s love for you. "

"...." Wang couldn\'t pull down his face.

Chi Ziyu only thought she acquiesced: "I\'ll bring it out to my mother. Mother, wait a minute."

"Pretend! I won\'t want your things!" At the critical time, Wang is very backbone.

The woman obviously slapped her first and then gave her a date to play with her. Do you want a face!

She won\'t be fooled!

Chi Ziyu said, "Mom, don\'t do it. I admit that I didn\'t sound good just now."