My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 773

"But I really think about your body. Don\'t worry about it. I\'ll feel guilty later."

Wang gave her a white eye.

Chi Ziyu is on the line now, and Guo Jinlian is ashamed to see it.

On Biao\'s play, younger brothers and sisters are good at it.

His face was not red, his heart did not jump, and his mouth was still slippery. He could not speak to Wang every minute.

Every word made people angry. At the critical moment, God was soft, and the angry Wang was caught off guard.

It\'s really depressing that you can\'t beat, scold or go up and down.

"If you say no, don\'t. what are you yelling about?" Wang has no good airway.

"Mom, doesn\'t my father like chicken blood best? We\'d better take some back and try something fresh for my father." Guo Jinlian cut in.

She won\'t let go of such delicious food as chicken blood.

Mother is really stupid. What\'s face?

Can I eat it? You can\'t eat. What else do you want it to do!

"Yes, mom, you see, the second sister-in-law said that dad likes to eat. Even if you don\'t eat, Dad, they always want to eat."


"I\'ll take it out for you."

Guo Jinlian hurriedly followed up, "sister-in-law, take some chicken gizzards and liver. They like to eat more gold."

It\'s too bad not to borrow such a good east wind.

Chi Ziyu is hehe.

But when I came out, I had two bowls in my hand.

One bowl of chicken blood is flourishing, and the other bowl contains chicken gizzards, liver and kidney.

"Second sister-in-law, please carry it for your mother." Chi Ziyu handed him the way.

Guo Jinlian hurriedly accepted it, "Oh, younger brother and sister, you are so generous. You gave us all these things."

Chi Ziyu smiled, "isn\'t this what Dad likes to eat? Anyway, Xingyun and I can\'t finish it. It\'s our best intention."

Wang glanced his eyes coldly, with incomparable coolness.

Although his face was not very good-looking, he was very pleased.

The fourth daughter-in-law is also an enlightened person.

She came here today to take something back

She hasn\'t asked the fourth room for anything for many days. She always feels that something is missing in her heart.

The fourth is really. He eats and drinks with silver in his hand. He doesn\'t know how to think about his parents. She has to come and ask for it in person

"Sister in law, it\'s good for you to do your best every day, and you won\'t let others laugh at our family." Guo Jinlian sighed.

In this way, their family is sure to be popular and drink spicy every day. Why bother to drink those greasy soup.

"Second sister-in-law, you are really joking. Everyone has hands and feet. It\'s not enough to reach out and take care of what we want every day." Late roe path.

"But you two are the only rich people in our family..."

"Money? Money should make you reach for it? Don\'t work hard, don\'t work hard, money?

Who doesn\'t earn money with one hand? Why don\'t you think about it, sister-in-law? Why is there such a big gap between our two families? "

Guo Jinlian said: "...."

Wang knew that Chi Ziyu was obviously talking about Guo Jinlian, but he was actually mocking himself. He couldn\'t help interrupting:

"What\'s the noise? Our family is poor, but it\'s no worse than you.

Don\'t think you have brought something to honor Guanyin Bodhisattva. You can\'t afford it.

When we become officials in the future, we will take us all to enjoy happiness in the city. With your little money, you don\'t deserve to compare with us. "