My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 771

"You wicked woman, I\'m not here. Why do you come here to chew the root of your tongue?"

Wang\'s voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Guo Jinlian gave a frightened "ah" and stood up with a bowl.

"Mother? You... Why are you here?" Guo Jinlian was shocked and said.

That\'s the devil.

Guo Jinlian regretted what she had just said.

I don\'t know if the dead old woman can hear clearly. If she hears it, she must peel her skin

Guo Jinlian became more and more frightened.

Wang stared coldly, "if you can come, I can\'t come!"

"Of course you can come here..." Guo Jinlian said with a nervous heart.

"Mom, sit down, sit down." Guo Jinlian gave Wang the hot stool she had just sat on. "I\'m looking at the fourth brother. They\'re having a barbecue here. Let\'s have a look.

Mom, what do you think of the chicken roast, fourth brother? Is it particularly delicious? I\'m greedy.

And the egg can still be roasted. It must be delicious. Our family has never roasted meat. "

It would be nice to have dinner every day. Where do so many messy moods come from.

Wang dug her, "black heart, you are scolding me for pulling!"

Guo Jinlian said secretly that you know

"No, I don\'t dare. I know our family\'s conditions are bad and we can\'t afford this.

It\'s not like the fourth brother. They have spare money in their hands. They don\'t have to worry about whether they have a meal or not like us every day.

At least we are all a family. How can there be such a big difference? People will laugh at us when they know. "

Guo Jinlian said this with some irony.

They are all a family, but there is such a big gap between the rich and the poor. Outsiders must scold Qi Xingyun for being cruel when they see him.

In fact, the support qixingyun should have given it long ago.

How\'s life here in the main house now. It\'s all about their distribution.

It\'s no wonder that they have to hold the silver and refuse to spend it.

Chi Ziyu said in a quiet way, "we make money for ourselves. Can we hide and tuck in like you? Sister-in-law, you can really laugh."

"I have some money to hide. It\'s not all in my mother\'s hands." Guo Jinlian said.

Wang Shi just let coax comfortable a bit, immediately again board a face to say, "the second daughter-in-law, what do you mean?"

"What can I mean, my sister-in-law? She wronged me. I have to say something for myself. Don\'t you think so." Guo Jinlian licked her smile and said.

Wang said coldly, "shut up if you can\'t speak. I won\'t treat you as a mute."


Guo Jinlian secretly tilted her lips, full of unconvinced.

Wang didn\'t bother to talk to her, so he turned to tongqi Xingyun and said, "old four hasn\'t eaten yet?"

"No." Simple and neat.

"The chicken was just killed today. It looks very fresh."


Wang ignored Qi Xingyun\'s perfunctory.

"Old four, I didn\'t mean you. Although you and old four\'s daughter-in-law have some money at home, you two can\'t live.

Even if the fish and meat are big every day, the chicken blood, chicken gizzards, chicken liver and so on don\'t grow very well, but they taste very beautiful and can\'t be lost.

The fourth daughter-in-law must look down on her. Let\'s feed the dog. What a waste.

For example, our family is used to cook and eat. We can eat many meals. We don\'t have to pick vegetables in the field. Every family comes like this. "