My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 770

"What are you thinking all day?" Qi Xingyun was angry and helpless, "I really want to see those people. I still use one person for so many years?"

"Oh, so you mean, you\'ve been single for so many years.

In fact, they are all waiting for me. I don\'t understand wrong. "

"I thought I would live alone all my life. I wouldn\'t meet the person I wanted to take care of.

But until I married you, I found that what I thought before was a mess. "

"Hahaha... So you\'ll feel so childish before."

Qi Xingyun smiled bitterly and said frankly, "who doesn\'t have a childish time, don\'t you?"

"Me? Of course I do. I have too many childish times. I can\'t count my hands..."

Chi Ziyu used to be stupid.

"Oh, fourth brother, are you roasting chicken today?" Guo Jinlian suddenly came over with a job.

While eating, he said, "the chicken smells very delicious. Is it finished?"

"The second sister-in-law is eating." Chi Ziyu said hello symbolically.

I expected her to come.

Guo Jinlian has never been unhappy. How can she be willing to miss such a big meal.

There was no need for Chi Ziyu to say hello. She moved a stool and sat down.

"Brother and sister, look." Guo Jinlian said, "we all went to the field to collect rice with my mother today, but the third brother and shuipei didn\'t go.

We worked hard all day and got caught in the rain. As a result, we ate this at night. We couldn\'t see any oily smell in a few green vegetable leaves. "

"It\'s not a human life. Pigs eat better than us. Ouch..." Guo Jinlian\'s face was full of sadness.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t speak, and qixingyun couldn\'t say it.

Both lowered their heads to concentrate on the barbecue.

Guo Jinlian looked at the greasy chicken and the cracked egg... Her eyes didn\'t blink.

I don\'t know how much saliva I swallow in my throat. I just think it\'s difficult to swallow every time.

Alas... What kind of immortal life does Sifang live? It\'s full of fish and meat every day.

It\'s many times better than those who eat from a big pot.

"Sister-in-law, your egg is roasted." Guo Jinlian didn\'t talk.

"Soon." Chi Ziyu said faintly.

Guo Jinlian turned her eyes and said with a smile, "sister-in-law, let me tell you something. Do you know how many hens are left in our family now..."

"There are seven hens left in our family, all of which can lay eggs." Guo Jinlian complained, "but I haven\'t seen our eggs all year round.

I\'ve almost forgotten what our eggs look like now. Do you feel sad? "

"My mother is frugal. You don\'t know."

Of course, Chi Ziyu won\'t say that Wang is stingy.

Whether she is stingy or not, Chi Ziyu doesn\'t want to have too many comments.

Anyway, everyone closed the door and went their own way. Although you can\'t go too far, you don\'t interfere with each other anyway.

Guo Jinlian said, "is she frugal? Who believes it.

Don\'t think I don\'t know. Lao San and Shui Pei serve with an egg every day.

I see the eggshell in the hogwash bucket every day, but I just don\'t see where my mother puts her eggs. I usually ask her to make egg soup, but she won\'t.

At least I\'m also the one who gave birth to her baby grandson. That\'s what my mother did to me. It\'s really chilling. "