My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 769

"I think they are also girls who haven\'t come out of the cabinet. How can they practice themselves like this."

"Anyway, I opened my eyes today. It\'s shameless. They even said I was stingy. I\'m really stingy. What\'s the matter.

If they have the ability, they will have husbands in the future. They will give their husbands to other women by themselves. I\'ll see how big their hearts are... "

Heart to heart, do you understand.

Forget it, people like them who are not familiar with the world will not understand.

Who doesn\'t have a girl in the spring? All Chi Ziyu can do is forgive their ignorance and impulse.

Make complaints about Tucao, and make complaints about it.

Chi Ziyu handed him a bunch of roasted mushrooms in his hand. "The mushrooms are roasted. Have a taste."

Qixingyun put down his chicken and reached for it.

I tasted it. It\'s delicious. It\'s really delicious.

Qi Xingyun nodded and exclaimed, "delicious."

Chi Ziyu himself bit a mushroom.

It\'s a little hot, but it doesn\'t affect her hungry appetite.

"I\'m surprised that there are so many little girls staring at you, and they are shameless one by one.

If you don\'t marry me, it doesn\'t matter how others covet you.

But the problem is that you are my man now. My man, why do you want to be coveted and liked by those people? It seems that I have no face, okay.

Well, tell me, how did you deal with those so-called admirers before? "

In order to listen to Qi Xingyun\'s successful experience, Chi Ziyu didn\'t even eat mushrooms.

He looked at him with his cheek in one hand.

Qi Xingyun ate with mushrooms in one hand and painted the discolored chicken in the other.

Suddenly, there was a "bang" on the grid.

Chi Ziyu was startled and looked at him inexplicably, "what exploded?"

Qi Xingyun looked up and pointed to the egg in front of her.


Chi Ziyu looked down and found a crack in an egg.

Soon, there was another bang.

But neither egg is ripe yet.

Chi Zi fish turned over the egg with a drill rod and let it be evenly exposed to the fire.

"You haven\'t answered me yet."

Qixingyun bent his lower lip and said, "how can I get rid of it? I\'m so cold. I\'m afraid no one wants to approach me except you."

"Who said, you are not cold. You are hot inside and cold outside.

Looking at the cold, in fact, my heart is like fire. "

"For example, to you?"

"Don\'t make fun of me."

"I\'m serious."

Chi Ziyu smiled with satisfaction and said, "Oh..."

"Tell the truth." Qixingyun suddenly became serious. "When I went to Jiangcheng in the past, there were a lot of girls staring at me.

But it scared me away. Maybe I looked too cruel. "

"What do you say?"

"For example, if I don\'t speak, I throw a cold look at them and let them experience it for themselves. They will know how delusional they are."

Chi Ziyu couldn\'t help laughing, "I can\'t learn such arrogance."

"If you can\'t learn, don\'t learn. I\'ll be such a bad man.

You will let me pet and protect you in peace of mind, and I will settle any resistance ahead for you. "

"What if those women come back?

Or there will be more brazen girls coming to rob me in the future. What should you do?

Would you like them to abandon me? "