My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 761

"OK, I\'ll call you."

"Let me say that there is really no flower shop in Jiangcheng like you. You can walk in and have everything.

Eat, drink and see. It\'s really a sparrow. Although it\'s small, it has all kinds of internal organs

I usually like to enjoy some flowers and plants, but I don\'t like other people\'s shops. The shops are small and crowded. There\'s no place to stand when I walk in.

It\'s better for you. You don\'t buy anything at ordinary times. It\'s good to come here for tea and talk. " Qian Fu is humane.

These are the wives of petty bourgeoisie. They don\'t stick to food and clothing. What they pay attention to in life is leisure and comfort.

"By the way, our family now has a batch of pheasants and is preparing to sell them. I wonder if you are interested?" Late roe path.

She consulted them only for personal business.

"Pheasants? Your family still keeps pheasants?"


"Little fish, she said it before. I remember it. You must have forgotten it." Mrs. Bai interrupted.

"Look at my memory. I really don\'t remember it for a while and a half.

I heard that pheasants are good for your health. We have to go to the market to buy pheasants every three or five times.

But I heard that there are many people buying pheasants. The purchasing manager has to go very early every day to buy them, otherwise he won\'t have to sell them. "

"We have a large number of very healthy chickens in our family. You can have as many as you want."

"Do you have eggs?"

"Yes, I can bring it to you if you want."


"I want some chickens, too."

"Is there a price discount?"

"Of course, everyone is an old acquaintance.

You take care of my business so much. I\'ll try my best to take care of you. " Chi Ziyu smiled.

"That\'s it."

On a summer day, the baby\'s face changes as it changes.

In Jiangcheng, where the sun was shining all morning, there was a torrential rain in the afternoon.

Many people who come to the store to drink tea and buy flowers are so trapped in the store that they can\'t get out.

Some people were walking on the road and suddenly came down by such a rain, so they all ran to the store to take shelter from the rain.

The hot sun in Jiangcheng has lasted for several days.

When such a heavy rain came down, the Loess splashed and rolled up the earth smell, which was soon washed away by the heavy rain mercilessly.

"Boom -"

Fortunately, Chi Ziyu moved the flowers and plants in the backyard in time, which saved them from a disaster.

"The rain is really heavy..."

"Yes, I was just walking on the road. As a result, I got wet all over..."


The guests in the front yard looked at the pouring rain outside the window and had nothing to do.

If the bad weather continues, they will not be able to go home.

Suddenly, a huge lightning struck down.

The whole sky was shining brightly and pale, which frightened the big guys.

"It\'s raining so hard today that there are many more guests in the store than usual."

Aunt Zhang is making drinks for Chi Ziyu in the backyard.

"Let\'s hurry up, don\'t let the guests wait."

Chi Ziyu\'s speed of making drinks is also fast. He has no leisure to think about those messy things.

"Aunt Zhang, two more watermelon smoothies!"

Uncle Gong\'s cry rang out in the front yard again, accompanied by the sound of rain.


Not long.

Uncle Gong said again, "and a litchi cream!"

"I see!" Aunt Zhang should go.

"I think Lao Gong will be too busy..." she said.