My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 760

"The cat in our family finally gave birth to three cubs today."

"Well, what color are they?"

"One white, one gray, and one all gray.

I\'m going to wait for the three kittens to grow up and send them out. I can\'t take care of them by myself. "

"I want a gray one. Remember to give me one later."

"OK, I can tell you that our cat is very proud, like a golden princess.

If you don\'t coax it well, it won\'t let you touch it at all. "


Several guests sat and chatted together, surrounded by elegant furnishings and scattered flowers and plants.

Natural, fragrant, quiet.

"Your litchi cream and blueberry smoothie." Chi Ziyu brought the tray himself.

The drinks were handed over to them and two plates of snacks were attached.

A plate of crisp jujube paste and a plate of yellow peas.

"What are you talking about? Mrs. Qian, your cat has kittens?" Asked Chi Ziyu.

Mrs. Qian\'s face could not hide her joy. "No, she gave birth to three small ones, just as big as mice."

"Hey, would you like a kitten, too?" Mrs. Qian asked again.

"Me? There\'s a Xiao Wang in our family. We\'d better not have kittens. They\'ll fight then." Chi Ziyu smiled.

Chi Ziyu told them that Xiao Wang was a dog in his family.

Mrs. Bai giggled, "look at what you said, little fish. It\'s like your Xiaowang is almost refined."

"No, our Xiaowang is like a villain. Now we\'re not at home.

It eats my flowers and grass every day, so that my flowers can\'t bloom. It really annoys me. " Chi Ziyu was angry and funny.

Speaking of Xiao Wang at home, she really loves and hates. She doesn\'t know how to describe Xiao Wang.

Call it naughty. It\'s really naughty.

The flowers and plants in the house are always biting and playing, as if they don\'t want money.

The chickens in the chicken farm always let them chase the ground and fly all over the sky. Now the chickens smell the dog and turn pale.

But Xiao Wang is also serious.

All along, Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun are not at home. Xiao Wang is watching at home.

Now Xiao Wang\'s head is also jumping up.

It is tall and powerful, and its bite is also ferocious. Ordinary people dare not move it.

The dogs in the village also took a detour when they saw Xiao Wang. They were probably afraid of being bitten by Xiao Wang.

Qi Duojin was bitten by Xiao Wang when he was a child. Later, he didn\'t dare to challenge Xiao Wang again.

"You must have not fed it..." Mrs. Qian joked.

"To tell you the truth, Xiao Wang of our family eats and drinks the same as us.

We often add food to it. It\'s impossible to be full.

It\'s just that it\'s naughty. I don\'t like my flowers and plants. I want to bite them off. " Late roe path.

"Then you\'d better move all your flowers and plants to the store so as not to bite them back. What a pity."

"Yes, I\'m going to bring all the Impatiens to the store to keep them.

Xiao Wang loves to bite the impatiens. He let it bite off when he turned back. Isn\'t it a big loss for me? "

Mrs. Su\'s eyes brightened. "Is it Impatiens? It\'s not used to dye nails?"

"Yes. I\'ve planted a lot. I\'m going to dye my nails with petals.

I\'ll go back and study how to dye your nails. I\'ll dye them for you, too. " Late roe path.

"Yes, Impatiens nail dyeing is really good-looking. You\'ll have to study it later. Remember to call us."