My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 762

Uncle Gong has to collect money and receive. Unless he has two hands, he will have to work hard.

"I plan to recruit another person in the near future." Said the fish.

Nowadays, the business scope of the store is becoming wider and wider, and there are more and more guests day by day. It is inevitable that there are places with poor reception.

"That\'s a good idea." Aunt Zhang said.


"I\'ll take these drinks out first so that they won\'t be in a hurry."



Uncle Gong is in a hurry in the front yard and lacks skills.

Some guests couldn\'t wait, and their faces showed anxiety.

"Why hasn\'t my mung bean paste come yet?"

"Wait a minute. I\'ll hurry up now." Gong Shucai finished serving the people at the table and hurried here.

The guests were getting angry and said impatiently, "what\'s the matter? I\'ve been waiting so long..."

"Coming, coming!"

Aunt Zhang rushed over with the wind from the soles of her feet.

"This is your mung bean paste."

"This is your watermelon smoothie..."

The guest calmed down.

"I\'m really sorry. A waiter in our shop just went home to do farm work. Recently, there is a shortage of manpower in the shop, so we can\'t get busy." Aunt Zhang made a good apology.

"I know there are many guests, so I don\'t recruit more waiter.

Next time, no matter how delicious the smoothie in your store is, we won\'t come over. "

"Yes, it makes us wait so long. It\'s a waste of our time..."

Aunt Zhang and uncle Gong both complained, but they also smiled silently.

Besides apologizing, I didn\'t lose my temper.

If you work in the service industry, you will inevitably get angry. Just be calm.

Finally, a heavy rain dispersed.

After drinking tea and eating snacks, the temporarily settled guests rushed home one after another.

The noise of the people and the rain disappeared, and the shop was calm again.

Chi Ziyu and others stopped.

People come and go in the shop, stained with a lot of water stains and mud marks, and can\'t bear to look directly at the dirty ground.

Chi Ziyu went to the backyard to fetch water, wipe the table, wipe the chair and mop the floor.

There are many guests today. Chairs are in short supply. Many people are standing.

In fact, most people just see that the store is spacious and come in to take shelter from the rain.

Some people can\'t help ordering some food when they see that food is available in the store and the price is quite cheap.

"Today, a guest broke a pot of meat in our store. He said there were too many people and pushed him onto the shelf.

I accidentally touched a lot of meat, so I didn\'t ask him for compensation.

If you need to bear the loss, let me bear it. I blame my poor care. " Gong Shudao.

"Uncle Gong, I don\'t blame you. I won\'t punish you. You don\'t have to blame yourself.

It rained today and there were more guests.

We have few people, so it\'s inevitable that we can\'t take good care of them.

This is also my negligence. I\'ll just call in a few more people to help later. " Late roe path.

"You have worked hard today."

"Yes, it\'s not hard."

"We cleaned up the shop today, so let\'s go back early.

I don\'t know if it will rain later. It won\'t be good to get wet and get sick later. "



After cleaning, Chi Ziyu asked Gong Shu and Aunt Zhang to go first. After she was kind for a while, she locked the door and went out.

An umbrella was prepared in the shop. When Chi Ziyu went out, there was a light rain in the sky.

As usual, Chi Ziyu went to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables, and then rented a donkey cart to go back.