My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 759

Fangfang has no place to send her breath.

She was just curious and talked more.

She didn\'t really destroy other people\'s feelings. As for being so mean to her!

She also encouraged so many outsiders to scold them. Now she really feels that she has lost her face.

Now Yueer is angry with her and ignores her.

Fangfang really hates that woman!

"You\'ve been talking for so long and haven\'t told me which shop it is?" Liu Tong suddenly said.

"It\'s the little fish, flowers and plants. They are very popular in our river city recently. It\'s said that the wife of the city master has been there..."

"What?" Liu Tong was shocked.

He didn\'t expect it to be that shop.

"However, I heard that there used to be a ghost shop. People died and no one dared to go there.

It\'s not too unlucky for so many people to go shopping. "

Liu Tong was lost in thought.

At first he wanted to beat up the bully of his daughter.

Now it seems that this shop may not be easy to smash.

It\'s mainly that people are patronized by expensive people. There may be a strong backstage behind it.

Based on his years of experience, he ran over rashly and was likely to kick the iron plate.

"Uncle Liu, why don\'t you talk? Don\'t you want to take a breath for your daughter?" Fangfang asked strangely.

"Let me think about what to do about it. We can\'t act rashly." Liu Tong mused.

This revenge for bullying his daughter must be avenged.

Since he had been doing business with Liu Tong for so long, he had a big family and a big business. No one dared to bully her daughter like this.

Today, even if his daughter can swallow the bad breath, he can\'t swallow it.

How can he be a man again!

But how to report is also a problem.

Fangfang thought for a moment and said, "uncle Liu, aren\'t you going to open a shop recently? You\'re going to open a shop like them.

Rob them of business, rob them of all their business, and let them lose their wealth. Let\'s see how arrogant they will be in the future. "

Liu Tong brightened his eyes and said happily, "Fangfang, your method is really good. I\'m worried about what shop to open.

According to what you say, we should open a flower shop. I think the flower shop is very popular in Jiangcheng recently.

If I also open a shop, with my ability to run a shop, I can definitely jump to the first place in the river city. In the future, I will take that shop as my own. "

"Wow! Uncle Liu, you\'re really good! I\'m waiting for you to deal with them!"

Liu Tong confidently touched his short black beard and said, "don\'t worry, I\'ve been running an old shop for so many years. I\'ve never been unsuccessful in business."

"Uncle Liu, I trust you very much. I know you will help us take revenge.

But... Yue\'er still refuses to talk to me.

She was angry that I didn\'t speak for her, but I also had difficulties at that time. At that time, so many of them bullied the three of us

Yue\'er is a good friend of mine all my life. How can I sit idly by and ignore her? Uncle Liu, you must plead for me later. " Fangfang looked sincere and sincere.

"OK, I\'ll help you talk about her later. It\'s our Yuer who is so ignorant that he doesn\'t even know how to cherish his good friends.

You are a good and considerate girl, as we all know. "

Fangfang contentedly hooked the corners of her mouth, and the fundus of her eyes was a flash of sharp light.

She said happily, "thank you, uncle."
