My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 731

Chi Laifu found a chore in the city half a month ago, which was introduced by Chi Zijiang.

Chi Zijiang said well at the beginning. He had one money a month.

Provide food, accommodation and easy work.

Chi Laifu took his luggage, said goodbye to his parents and wife, and went to work happily.

To this end, Chi Zhen and Jiang Shi both left moving tears.

Their son finally realized that he could go to the city to find a job to make money and be alone.

But half a month later.

That is, now, Chi Laifu quit his job because he couldn\'t do his work.

That store is too stupid.

Chi Laifu sleeps later than the dog and gets up earlier than the chicken every day. He doesn\'t dare to be lazy as before. The food he eats every day is worse than pig food

The boss also takes care of him every day in the name of all kinds of unreasonable squeezing.

Pay will be deducted if you are late, if you don\'t do a good job, and if the guest is unhappy

There are a variety of reasons to deduct money, which is unprecedented.

Chi Laifu has been doing this for half a month and has no money to send after deducting it.

Who is willing to do their own hard work!

Chi Laifu is not happy.

Go to the boss and argue. The boss said that this was a long-standing rule. It\'s normal to deduct money if Chi Laifu doesn\'t work well.

Chi Laifu said he was going to cry.

The boss is too black hearted! It\'s obviously squeezing him!

It was much more tiring than when he went to help qixingyun in the mountain. As a result, he couldn\'t get any money.

Who would be willing? Really!

Chi Laifu couldn\'t get paid, so he had a quarrel with his boss and said he quit.

Finally, he went to find Chi Zijiang with a burden to complain about it.

As a result, Chi Zijiang turned his face and didn\'t recognize anyone.

"Laifu, you\'re useless and can\'t earn money. Who\'s to blame? It\'s true. At least you\'re such an adult.

If you tell me this, can I help you get the money back? "

"Sister, I\'ve been working for half a month. You see, I\'ve been working for so long.

The palms are blistering, and the soles of my feet are blistering, so I almost didn\'t die there. " Chi Laifu wants to cry without tears.

He makes trouble in front of his family, and he is a counsellor in front of outsiders.

"Laifu, don\'t be sad. You\'ll have dinner at my house this afternoon. I\'ll stew some broth for you to replenish your body.

Lest you really go home all skin and bones, my mother will be distressed to death. " Chi Zijiang said perfunctorily.

"You have to help me get my salary back before I can go home!"

Chi Zijiang rolled his eyes. "I\'m not responsible for your salary. It\'s no use telling me.

Laifu, we are all adults. We should be reasonable. It\'s a matter of money. Go to your boss, don\'t look for me, be obedient, and don\'t bother your sister and me. "

Chi Laifu quit.

"Didn\'t you say you two knew each other? You asked me to work with him and make a lot of money with him.

As a result, now he doesn\'t even pay me. Elder sister, you just abuse your brother and me. Look back, my mother won\'t scold you! "

"Yes, I said that. Is it my fault that you deducted your salary because you didn\'t do it well?

Your eldest sister, I was kind enough to ask someone to help you find something to do. I\'m shameless.

If you say you don\'t, you\'ll quit. How can I explain to others later? Why don\'t you know to think about it for your sister. "

The words were justified, and Chi Zijiang didn\'t blush at all.

In fact, she won\'t go to Chi Laifu\'s boss.

They don\'t know each other at all.