My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 732

The reason why Chi Zijiang recommended Chi Laifu to work in the past is not because the boss promised Chi Zijiang a recommendation fee of two liang silver at the beginning.

Because of two liang silver, Chi Zijiang unkindly sold Chi Laifu.

But Chi Laifu quit after less than a month. People must get back half of the recommendation fee.

It\'s her big sister who loses money!

Chi Laifu could see that Chi Zijiang was angry and couldn\'t do anything for a moment. He said, "then I\'ll go back empty handed. My parents must say I\'m useless and liu\'er will be unhappy."

He wanted to make a lot of money back and smash Chi Ziyu with silver

It\'s a shame that he didn\'t get anything now.

"No, Laifu. Tell your father-in-law about it and they will understand your difficulties." Xie Shu also said.

He and Chi Zijiang are on the same boat. They must be the same.

It\'s beautiful to want them to ask for money!

Chi Laifu sneered, "brother-in-law, did you deliberately pit me!"

"It\'s really not easy for you to go out and make a living. You don\'t know how hard it is for us to open a shop in the city.

Who hasn\'t met a few such bad things? It\'s good if people are all right. Just pay attention to it next time... "

"I don\'t care. If you don\'t pay me back today, I\'ll depend on your family!"

The more you think about it, the more something goes wrong. Chi Laifu simply raises his ass and sits on the counter.

Chi Zijiang was so angry with his stubbornness that he still forced a smile on his face.

"Laifu, don\'t be angry. We can\'t help it.

You can\'t blame us if you don\'t work hard and don\'t get paid. It\'s not easy for us. " Chi Zijiang said.

"Yes, Laifu, come down quickly. Don\'t sit here. There will be guests coming in later, which will have a bad impact." Xie Shudao.

Chi Laifu smiled back with a rogue smile and hugged his chest with both hands. "I don\'t! If you don\'t ask my boss for money today, you give it, or I won\'t go!"


Chi Zijiang really wants to scratch his ears.

What a shame! Still not a man!

On second thought, she suddenly smiled, "Laifu, why don\'t you go to the little fish shop and have a look.

I\'m afraid you don\'t know. Little fish has opened a shop in the city. I heard that business is very good. "

Chi Zijiang had already heard that Chi Ziyu opened a flower shop. However, he had been busy with the store and didn\'t go to see it.

At first I heard that it was a ghost shop. No one came at all.

Later, I didn\'t know what was going on. My business was getting better and better, and my reputation was getting hotter and hotter.

Chi Zijiang is jealous.

I thought Chi Ziyu couldn\'t do business without her help.

I didn\'t expect that people are getting along well now. I really regret that she died.

On the contrary, their grocery store is now short of Chi Ziyu\'s income. There is a lot less silver, and the days are back to their previous shortage.

"Little fish, they must have made a lot of money. If you ask her for it, she can give it to you." Chi Zi Jiang Youdao.

Chi Laifu thought it was a good idea.

But there is a cloud behind Chi Ziyu.

Where he dares to go wild, he can\'t bear the fist of qixingyun.

Chi Laifu was more and more frightened. He shook his head and said, "no, I won\'t go. I want you to get my salary back!"