My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 730

The business is on track, and then the house is at home.

Qixingyun summoned some men in the village and began to dig the foundation according to the drawings, while he himself supervised the work.

Chi Ziyu doesn\'t trust the store. He still has to come and have a look every day, but most of the time he is guiding them.

Now the couple go out early and return late every day. They can only see each other in the morning and evening.

Get together in a hurry.

Everyone in the village heard about them.

Those who express their admiration are.

It is said that the two husband and wife are capable of half the sky.

There are also those who show disdain.

It is said that everyone is a farmer, so we can\'t farm well. In order to earn more money every day, couples can\'t get together. Where can there be a husband and wife.

The family members themselves are jealous and disdainful.

Previously thought it was a ghost shop, which caused them to have diarrhea. Unexpectedly, it has now become a prosperous shop.

Now everyone in the village doesn\'t know that Qi Laosi has opened a flower shop in the village. His business is very good. Even the city owner has visited it.

Wang\'s previous prejudice against the shop had to be reversed.

No one was allowed to go there from the beginning.

Up to now, Wang\'s saying is that every market day, we must go to Lao Si\'s shop for lunch.

Even when Qi duocai came back from Xiumu, Wang advised him: usually if you have nothing, go to your fourth brother\'s house for dinner.

Although the old man was separated from his family, he was still a family in name.

Every time he mentions Qi Laosi in front of the villagers, Wang can\'t help but raise the corners of his mouth, but his heart is sour.

She said insincerely, "my fourth, although I haven\'t read a book, I also have an elm head.

But I have to say that I do business one by one. Now I have opened a prosperous shop in the city.

The pots were full of silver, and the big house was built. "

Others have sincere congratulations, false flattery, and disdain.

Who doesn\'t know that Wang, who is a mother, doesn\'t like to see his fourth son. What kind of clothes should he wear.

It\'s just a hindsight to say this now.

"However, the fourth is not as useful as our third. He may not earn as much money as our third." After boasting about qixingyun, Wang wanted to boast about qiduocai.

In fact, she doesn\'t want to boast about qixingyun, but there\'s no way. Everyone wants to hear about the dynamics of qixingyun.

She has to satisfy people first.

"How much is your third child\'s monthly money?" Someone asked.

Wang\'s face was full of pride. "How many liang of silver a month? He only handed over all his monthly money last month to me.

He told me to buy more food and clothes. Don\'t let me treat myself badly. I said I\'m old enough to think about this. "

In the eyes of the villagers, it\'s really great to earn several liang of silver a month.

"Earn so much ah, the scholar is good, earn more money, and be filial."

Wang lied and never made a draft.

"That\'s why our third child has been filial and sensible since childhood. He loves me most as a mother."

"You are also a blessed man. You have four sons. Both of them are capable. They can read and earn money.

Who in our village lives as well as you? It\'s really enviable. "

"My life is just average." Wang Shi is modest.

"As long as you are average, we don\'t have to live."

"Yes, look at you. Now your daughter-in-law has been married, your grandson has been held, and your son is promising.

If we want to have a life like you, we will wake up with laughter in our dreams. "