My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 710

"I Pooh..." Wang burst into foul language on impulse.

As a result, as soon as she finished bahing, the big guy looked at her.

Some people just listened to Jiang\'s joke about Wang, and now they couldn\'t close their mouths with a snicker.

Wang knew that this day was not suitable to compete with Jiang, so he smiled and said nothing more.

Jiang took the opportunity to take out his prepared red envelope, "in laws, this is the gift money for your family."

Wang stared and took it hard.

After I got it, I thought it over a few times, for fear that Jiang was short of weight.

Jiang Shi looked at this scene at the bottom of his eyes and didn\'t care about it. Instead, he said, "when will your family worship? I\'m still waiting to see the bride?"

An aunt pushed Wang to remind him, "the time is coming. Let\'s quickly set up the incense table and let them worship."

"Yes." Wang was too lazy to argue with Jiang.

"Mom, didn\'t Aunt tell us some time ago that she would marry third cousin later? How long has it been? Why did third cousin get married?"

Xu Bingbing and Mei Niang are also invited to have a wedding wine, but Xu Bingbing accidentally finds that the bridegroom is his third cousin.

Previously, Wang vowed to choose a daughter-in-law for his fourth cousin.

Now when Xu Bingbing comes to Qijia and sees the bridegroom, his first reaction is to be angry.

Why did Auntie lie to them?

It\'s obviously a sign of marrying a daughter-in-law for the fourth cousin. Why did it end up marrying the third cousin?

It\'s not cheating.

Now qixingyun is afraid to hope.

When Qi Xingyun\'s legs were hurt, she and her mother sprinkled salt on people\'s wounds like that. People must hate her now.

Xu Bingbing is also a person who wants to have a face.

If you are really destined to get someone you can\'t get, she will never be entangled.

She\'s not so shameless.

But she just didn\'t want to.

Why can a woman so withered by Chi Ziyu monopolize her fourth cousin and have happiness?

Originally, aunt Tang said she would marry a flat wife for her fourth cousin and run on the evil woman Chi Ziyu.

What happened.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t run away, but added a woman to his third cousin.

Third cousin used to be Xu Bingbing\'s dream lover!

If not for the high standard for Aunt Tang to choose her third daughter-in-law, she would not hold on to Qi Xingyun.

With her beauty and talent, she can match a man as excellent as the third cousin.

But aunt Tang would rather let a village girl marry her third cousin than let her relatives get the moon first.

Xu Bingbing doesn\'t know how uncomfortable it is.

Mei Niang is also very depressed.

She regretted, "I didn\'t expect my cousin to be such a dishonest person. She said well before,

Marry a daughter-in-law for Qi Laosi and disgust the woman Chi Ziyu away. How come... Alas... "

When Mei Niang came today, she went to ask Wang\'s questions. As a result, Wang was busy receiving many guests at home and had no time to talk to her at all.

Xu Bingbing cried sadly, "Mom, where can I compare with the village girl?

It\'s said that the village aunt also lost her father early, and she hasn\'t read a book. Why doesn\'t Aunt Tang think about me? What\'s wrong with me? "

"Forget it, Bingbing. I\'ll find you a better one later." Mei Niang sighed.

"Mom, I\'m really not reconciled..."

Xu Bingbing boasts of intelligence and beauty.