My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 709

He only pointed to the most noisy room in the room and said, "my mother-in-law is in this room. Go in by yourself."

Jiang\'s speechless gouged out Chi Ziyu, "heartless thing! You don\'t want to talk to your mother like this?"

"Don\'t you want to see my mother-in-law?"

"If I ask you something, you have to answer me! Are you deaf?"

"How can I get back to you? It\'s what you see now. Longan has become my third sister-in-law."

Chi Ziyu can\'t say that she married her because she spent a good night with longan. She must be responsible.

So far, Wang has not allowed others to disclose this.

Chi Zi fish will not touch this mildew.

"I\'m leaving."

Jiang watched Chi Ziyu go away, muttered a few words, then pushed open a wooden door with big words and went in.

In the room, a group of daughters-in-law and aunts gathered together to talk, lively and cheerful.

"In laws."

As soon as Jiang saw Wang, he gathered up very warmly.

Wang yanked the corners of his mouth.

He also raised his eyelids and glanced at Jiang.

She was wearing a dark green Luo skirt, a gold hairpin and gold beads in her ears.

Pink cheeks shine, eyes flow.

Although I\'m a little old, it\'s nice to dress up.

Wang\'s heart is that it is her son who got married. How can Jiang\'s red face look like a happy event in her family.

I didn\'t mean to find fault!

What a nuisance!

Jiang was younger and more beautiful than Wang.

The two women just stood there.

Everyone is willing to look at Jiang more.

Although Wang changed his clothes in bright colors.

But the body is bent, the face is wrinkled, the lips are dry and cracked, how to look at the vicissitudes of life.

Not suitable for appreciation.

"I heard that your third brother got married today, but I didn\'t know until today.

It\'s not interesting that you didn\'t inform your in laws earlier. " Jiang complains with affectation.

Up to now, she has really felt that Qi duocai married, and their late family will no longer have to be ashamed of their joy.

"I didn\'t inform you long ago."

Wang was not very happy when he saw Jiang\'s colorful dress surpassing himself.

The voice was also very angry, "it\'s your in laws. You don\'t care about yourself."

Jiang turned his eyes. "A while ago, I didn\'t hear that your third child was going to get married."

"Oh! If you haven\'t heard about it, blame me for not telling you. Everyone else knows.

There are so many people in the village. Do you want me to inform them door to door? I don\'t talk as much as you do. " Wang\'s pun.

Jiang smiled. "I have a mouth. I\'m afraid you\'re too old to see clearly, my in laws.

I haven\'t seen you for a few days. How can I see a lot more white hair on your head? "


Wang thought to herself, no, she hid her white hair in her black hair when she combed her hair this morning. How did Jiang see her white hair.

On second thought, Jiang was scolding himself for being old, so he clenched his teeth and said, "people should be old when they are old. They are still learning from people at an old age. Little girls dress up like goblins.

It\'s both greasing and dusting. Which man do you want to go out to hook up with? I can\'t stand loneliness and I\'m not afraid to soak the pig cage... "

Jiang was a good quarreler: "they say that women are like flowers and should be well fed.

If I don\'t dress up well now, can I be the same as my in laws? Before I get old, I\'ll cool into a plate of cauliflower. "