My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 711

As long as Wang is willing, she is fully qualified to marry Qi duocai.

In this way, they really kiss each other.

What a good marriage it is.

But fate makes people

The hall is already in worship.

Wang and qijiabao were pressed onto the first chair, some black charcoal was smeared on their faces, and a broom was held in their hands.

This is a unique worship custom in Jiangcheng.

The big guys also moved their positions from the yard to the house to watch.

The bride and groom stood side by side in red.

"Worship heaven and earth -"

"Two worship halls -"

Wang\'s expression was faint, and the corners of his mouth pulled down slightly. He couldn\'t see the joy of marrying his daughter-in-law at all.

There is a lot of perfunctory.

Mei Niang, who was watching the ceremony in the crowd, immediately felt something was wrong, so she pushed down Xu Bingbing Road, "look at your aunt. It doesn\'t look like she\'s happy."

Xu Bingbing looked up.

Mei Niang and Wang Shi have been playing since childhood. They are very clear about Wang Shi\'s temper.

Mei Niang said, "your aunt must not like that new daughter-in-law."

"Really?" Xu Bingbing was overjoyed.

"If you really like it, your aunt must be very happy now.

If you look at her like that, she has a deep hatred. It\'s like who owes her money. There\'s a problem at first sight. "


"Into the bridal chamber -"

The bride was crowded back to her new house to rest.

Everyone came out to eat.

Qiduo is the protagonist today. He has to take on the task of toasting everyone.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun had dinner at the table early today. They were sitting at the same table.

Anyway, my family sat together.

Qi duocai came to propose a toast. He also offered a toast to his brothers on the way.

Qiduocai first respected qiduodi and qiduojin. Both brothers said a few words of blessing for their wedding, and qiduocai accepted them with a smile.

Finally, Qiduo toasted qixingyun.

All of these are based on seniority, and none of them can be less.

"Fourth brother, come."

Qi duocai helped Qi Xingyun pour more than half a bowl of wine.

Qiduocai wants to say something.

Fate is tricky, and Qi Xingyun is insidious and cunning

Qi duocai actually hates Qi Xingyun. If it weren\'t for him, he wouldn\'t be reduced to marrying longan.

In his heart, appreciating longan and taking longan as his wife are completely different things.

My mother said that an excellent scholar like him can\'t catch up with the girls in the village, otherwise it will affect his official career in the future.

He has always been strict with himself and didn\'t get too close to anyone.

But where had he thought that he stumbled over qixingyun by mistake, so that he couldn\'t get up at all.

He doesn\'t want to drink this wine.

But several brothers sat together today. He respected his eldest brother and second brother. There was no way to disrespect his fourth brother.

As long as you\'re there, you\'ll drink.

Follow the rules and respect them. This is a custom and can\'t be broken.

Otherwise, people will say that he has no brothers in his eyes.

"I wish you a happy wedding." Qi Xingyun said with a wine bowl.

Qi duocai nodded in a mixed manner.

At the moment, qixingyun looks friendly and approachable.

But Qiduo knew that under such a calm skin, there was a sinister heart.

He became what he is today. His fourth brother contributed to it

He hates him, especially.

Why should he pull himself into the water? He has a bright future. How can he be blocked by a village girl