My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 708

Someone pointed into the crowd.

Jiang\'s family saw Qi duocai in red clothes.

With a bright red color and a tall and straight figure, it feels like standing out from the crowd.

Jiang was happy at that moment: "it\'s really him..."

Chi Zhen said, "look what I said. It\'s true that today\'s third child married."

"Didn\'t you say it was old four..."

"I heard it was Qi Laosi before, but later I heard it was Qi Laosan. I heard we had heard wrong before." Others are on the way.

"Impossible..." Jiang couldn\'t figure out what was going on here.

"Forget it, whoever he is, anyway, we have some money. We just came to have a wedding..."

It\'s too casual for the Qijia family to marry a daughter-in-law.

The bridegroom said to change, and everyone was not prepared at all.

However, I\'m sorry that Wang\'s extravagance and momentum are great today, so we won\'t quarrel with Wang.

It\'s also good for Qi Laosan to marry longan.

Before, everyone had been thinking that Qi Laosan was not young. It was impossible not to marry a daughter-in-law all his life in order to study.

After all, the cold faced Yama like Qi Laosi has married.

It\'s really unreasonable for Qi Laosan to be single again.

Even a good cabbage has to be sold. You can\'t keep hanging people\'s appetite all the time. It will break if you hide it.

What\'s more, Qi Laosan didn\'t pass the exam this time. He may not have a chance to stand out in the future.

Longan is not bad, beautiful and smart. She has always been very good in the village.

Now that the two are married, they can be regarded as a match.

We\'re talking here.

"Dad, mom." The late fish suddenly appeared.


"Mother, why are you here now?"

"I\'m not dressing up at home. It took a while.

But it\'s not just a good time. Qi Laosan hasn\'t paid homage yet. I\'m not late at all. " Jiang\'s way.

"By the way, where\'s your dead old woman? Take me to her. I haven\'t given her the gift money yet.

At that time, she has to scold me for coming to eat overlord\'s meal. This old thing can\'t spit Ivory out of the dog\'s mouth... "

Jiang read it in pieces, regardless of other people\'s feelings.

"Come with me."

Chi Ziyu led the way. Jiang\'s family followed him alone.

Jiang followed suit and asked curiously, "what\'s the matter with little fish? Doesn\'t it mean that the fourth is the one who got married?

Why, the dead girl of longan doesn\'t dare to rely on the fourth? "

"If she dares, I won\'t let her succeed."

Jiang smiled with satisfaction. "That\'s the backbone. If you can\'t even control your own man, I\'ll be really angry with you."

Chi Ziyu snorted, "don\'t you always think it\'s Xingyun who got married today, so you don\'t dare to come over?"

"Oh, you guessed it. If your father hadn\'t told me about it, I wouldn\'t come here today.

Your man was robbed by another woman. You don\'t think it\'s embarrassing. I don\'t think anyone in our village who married two wives, no matter how rich and powerful, doesn\'t have to bully people like this.

If you dare to be the first loser in our village, don\'t blame me for not recognizing you as a useless girl in the future.

Tell me what\'s going on... "

"Nothing. Anyway, I just changed my mind. Longan is now my sister-in-law. Isn\'t it good?"

Chi Ziyu didn\'t want to say anything more and couldn\'t say anything.