My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 691

The old man silently took the family to the guest room.

Some children came up to make tea and snacks for them.

The dessert was almond cheese that qishuipei liked to eat. Without saying a word, she brought the whole plate to her and ate it with relish.

The old man settled the people and said he had something to go out.

In a quarter of an hour.

Qi duocai came out of the classroom exhausted.

It\'s really killing pigs in my last life. In this life, it\'s reduced to teaching

The old man went over and called him.

"Master Qi, several guests have just come to our academy. They claim to be from your family and say they are looking for you. I\'ll put them in the guest room. Go and have a look." The old man said.

Qiduocai was a little surprised. He still nodded, "I know, Dean, I\'ll go and have a look."



As soon as Qi duocai appeared in the guest room, Qi shuipei put down the snacks that had been on the CD and greeted him excitedly.

"Third brother, you are here. My hair is waiting for white!" Qi shuipei complained, "why did you have a class for so long..."

Qiduocai looked at the dean who followed him and said awkwardly, "we have class rules."

Qi shuipei turned his eyes, "you are a teacher. Why do you have to abide by those broken rules..."

Qiduo coughed uneasily, "what are you doing today?"

"Come and tell you to go home and get married." Qishuipei said, "go and tell your dean to give you a few days off. You\'re the one who wants to get married."

"Oh." Qi duocai looked to his Dean for advice, "Dean, look at this..."

The Dean had heard that Qi duocai said that he would get married immediately, and he was mentally prepared.

He agreed, "give you seven days off. I\'ll let other teachers take your place first."

"Thank you, master."

Qi shuipei was shocked and his chin was about to fall off. He pointed to the dean and said, "third brother, what do you say? This old man is your Dean?

I don\'t think he wears very well. I thought he swept the floor of your Academy... "

Qi duocai smiled awkwardly, "our dean seems to be sweeping the floor."

The Dean was very calm and said with a smile, "I\'m always simple. I\'ve been mistaken more than once. It doesn\'t hurt."

Qijiabao said, "shuipei, look at you and tell you not to talk nonsense. Don\'t apologize to the dean."

Qishuipei rolled his eyes. "I didn\'t scold him. I still want to apologize to him.

Besides, the Dean himself said, "I\'m not the first person to admit him wrong. I\'m right."


"No harm." The Dean didn\'t care about Qi shuipei at all. He even had a good attitude and said, "make love straightforward, lively and intelligent, very good."

"Master Qi, you\'re going home today, aren\'t you?" The dean asked again.

Qi duocai was a little embarrassed, "well."

"Well, I\'ll give you leave now."

"Thank you, Dean."

"You\'re welcome."


After the leave approval procedures were completed, Qi duocai followed Qi Jiabao out of the college.

Qijiabao is inevitably concerned about the situation in qiduocai Academy.

"Duocai, how did you teach in the academy?" Qijiabao asked.

"Very good. The students like listening to me very much." Qi duocai\'s face is not red and his heart does not jump into the tunnel.

In fact, I was feeling how there could be such a poor student... It\'s outrageous to waste his saliva!