My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 692

"I said, my son is so knowledgeable that the students must love to listen to him. Why are you worried about this, old man?" Wang was satisfied.

"Third brother, I found your Dean very good." Qiduodi road.

"Yes, our dean is a good man. I\'m new here. He helped me a lot."

Qishuipei skimmed his mouth and said in disdain, "where\'s your Dean? You\'re too old to be a dean.

It\'s really unpromising. When you look back, third brother, you quickly get a dean to be the president. "

"That\'s not what I said." He has many talents.

His sister doesn\'t understand anything. She can\'t be a person. She can\'t even speak.

It\'s great to let my mother protect it.

If such a girl leaves her mother\'s house, she will certainly suffer losses in the future. I\'ve never seen such an ignorant girl.

"No, it\'s not." Qishuipei snorted disdainfully and said, "Mom, let\'s buy rattan chairs now."

"What rattan chair do you buy?" I don\'t understand.

"It\'s the fourth brother. You\'ll know when you go to the store later." Qishuipei road.

"Doesn\'t that say it\'s expensive?" Qi duocai asked.

He is not the first to ask such a question.

Qiduodi and qiduojin have asked before, but they all let qishuipei go back angrily.

Qishuipei didn\'t think it was expensive, that is, the third brother\'s monthly money for half a month

Qi duocai: "

"Third, it\'s not easy for him to make money." Qijiabao road.

"Who says it\'s not easy, but it\'s easier than my fourth brother. My fourth brother earns a lot, but he runs around every day. He\'s tired to death.

It\'s still comfortable for my third brother to be a teacher. Otherwise, you won\'t be tested for fame in the future. You\'ll stay in our Jiangcheng as a teacher. Anyway, you can\'t pass the exam. "

"Don\'t talk nonsense!" Wang bluffed her.

"I\'m not talking nonsense. You see, so many people in Jiangcheng can\'t pass the exam, I don\'t believe my third brother can pass the exam.

Reading is so expensive. It\'s better to be a teacher and earn money to support your family. "

"How can you earn more as an official when you are a teacher." Qi duocai said with a smile, "being an official has a lot of money.

Look at the leader of our river city. He passed the examination for merit and fame. Look at how natural and unrestrained his life is. "

"But when will you be admitted to the third brother? If you don\'t go out early to make money, there will be no one to support your family." Qishuipei road.

"Soon, I just missed the exam this time. I\'ll definitely be able to do it next time."



Near noon, Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun went to the nearby vegetable market to buy some vegetables and come back to cook.

Chi Ziyu specially told Changsheng not to go home. She cooked more dishes and everyone went to the store to eat together.

I don\'t know when my family will come to her store.

However, Chi Ziyu thought that with Wang\'s temperament, he would not miss the opportunity to have a free lunch.

Chi Ziyu bought more vegetables and meat and came back. Qi Xingyun helped carry it.

Qijiabao and others have arrived.

I\'m walking around the shop.

Qi shuipei had enough of the things in the store, so he sat at the table and poured mung bean soup.

Changsheng was looking at the store.

Suddenly I saw this group of people break in with big and small bags of things. I thought they were here to buy things. Unexpectedly, they said they were the boss\'s family. They were allowed to come in for a long time.

Before leaving, the landlady told him that someone might come to the store at noon and let him remember to treat him well.