My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 690

Qi duocai taught in this academy not long ago. He took a class himself.

I don\'t know if his teaching is too boring or why, he has slept a lot under.

Qi duocai stood on the three foot platform with his eyelids raised.

Seeing that most of the students at the bottom were dozing, my heart was cold.

As a teacher, I can see that the students below are so suck in their own efforts to sing a one-man show.

Qi duocai did not remind these people, but no matter how angry he was, the students still did what they should do.

Later, Qi duocai followed suit.

As long as there are so many students in the class listening to him, he will be Amitabha.

Qijiabao took his wife and children into the Academy.

Entering the gate is a square courtyard. The sound of reading comes from afar through green trees and red flowers.

Qijiabao didn\'t know where to find someone, so he took his family around.

"What are you doing here?" A white haired old man suddenly came up and asked.

Qijiabao looks at him in a green shirt, plain clothes, but he has a refined temperament. I guess he is from the Academy.

He politely said, "we\'re here to find my son. He teaches in your college."

The old man smiled, "I\'m looking for someone. I don\'t know who you\'re looking for?"

"Find my brother. My brother\'s name is Qi duocai. He\'s a new teacher from your college. He just went to the capital to take the exam this year. He\'s great.

You must have heard of him. Take us to him soon. " Qi shuipei snapped proudly.

Hearing the speech, the old man glanced at the proud qishuipei and frowned slightly.

"Shuipei, don\'t talk." Qijiabao is busy.

Wang also felt that Qi shuipei\'s words were too impolite, so he pushed her elbow.

Qi shuipei didn\'t realize what he had done wrong. He didn\'t care. "Why, I said my third brother was very good at being a teacher here. What\'s wrong? Others can\'t be a teacher here."

The master smiled and said politely, "so you\'re looking for master Qi. He\'s in class now. If I take you to the guest room to rest, you\'ll wait a moment..."

"If he is in class, you won\'t call him. We have to go shopping, but we don\'t have time to wait for you here." Qishuipei road.

The old man smiled and stopped talking.

"Pei\'er." Wang wants to scold Qi shuipei. She\'s really not sensible today.

"It\'s just that we have nothing to do. We can wait." Wang smiled.

"I don\'t know how long we have to wait?" Qijiabao asked.

"About a quarter of an hour." The old man smiled, "come with me to the guest room."

Qi shuipei was very unhappy. "Mom, we have to buy lotus seeds and rattan chairs. I have to buy rouge. I really don\'t want to wait so long."

"You won\'t lose a piece of meat if you wait a little longer." Qijiabao was a little angry and drank.

My daughter usually doesn\'t speak at home. Why is she so open-minded when she comes to the academy.

People who don\'t know think he can\'t raise his daughter.

Qi shuipei shouted angrily, "just wait! I didn\'t say I didn\'t wait! Dad, why are you hurting me!"

"Not sensible!"

"Yes, I\'m not sensible. That\'s what your father taught you..."

"Pei\'er, don\'t talk back to your father." Wang shouted.

Qishuipei endured and bit his teeth. He finally dissipated his anger.