My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 689

Longan was afraid that Qi\'s family would not let Qi duocai come back to get married. The shortcut:

"I specially made clothes and shoes for Togo. I still want to send them to him today... No, I\'ll ask aunt Qi later."

Chi Ziyu laughed.

Longan is more interested in Qixing cloud than it was in Qixing cloud.

I didn\'t expect that this mistake also contributed to a good marriage.

However, Chi Ziyu remembers that qixingyun told him that he found that longan had long been in love with qiduocai, and qiduocai also appreciated longan and didn\'t hate it at all.

Otherwise he wouldn\'t have planted the whole thing on qiduocai.


After breakfast, Qi Xingyun loaded his own meat into the car and set off for the city with Chi Ziyu.

Just Qijia\'s donkey cart started at about the same time as them.

Qixingyun\'s donkey cart is in front, and qiduodi\'s donkey cart is in the back.

Chi Ziyu sat on the car. As soon as he turned his head, he could see Wang and others behind him.

Qijiabao also went to the city with Wang today.

Chi Ziyu heard qijiabao say that he would go to the academy to find qiduocai before getting married.

Suddenly frowned. Chi Ziyu remembered that longan said to come to Qijia in the morning and asked Qiduo when he could go home.

Longan must be empty today.

Along the way, Wang and Qi shuipei chattered for a long time. They just went to the academy later. What do they want.

Qi shuipei has heavy makeup today.

It\'s rare to go out. I\'d better go to a sacred place like the Academy. Qi shuipei specially dressed up today.

Finally, qishuipei suddenly mentioned that he wanted to go to the fourth brother\'s shop.

Chi Ziyu naturally could not refuse, so he told them the specific address and invited them to come to the store at that time.

When the carriage arrived in the city, it went in two directions.

Qiduodi drove the carriage to the White Deer academy, while qixingyun drove the carriage to his shop.

When they arrived, Changsheng was already sitting at the gate and waiting early.

Changsheng has no key and can\'t go in.

Qi Xingyun jumped out of the carriage first. "Why did you come so early?"

Changsheng welcomed him excitedly. "Boss, my family lives near here. I\'ll come after dinner."

"I told you to come later." Chi Ziyu said with a smile, "you see you can\'t get in so early. You might as well stay at home more."

Changsheng smiled, "I have nothing to do at home. I might as well come earlier."

Chi Ziyu shook his head helplessly and went to open the lock of the shop first.

Changsheng went with Qi Xingyun to bring the meat into the shop.

Chi Ziyu went to clean the shop first.

And the green plants that should be in the sun, so she moved to the backyard to dry them.

After working hard for most of the morning, they were finally free.

Chi Ziyu went to the backyard kitchen to mix mung bean soup.

She came to the kitchen every day to prepare a pot of juice or other drinks in addition to some plants.

Long life dare not let yourself idle, always find something to do for yourself.

For example, wipe the table, wipe the shelves, and wipe the floor clean again and again.

Finally, there\'s really nothing to do.

There are no guests in the shop. I don\'t know what to do for a long time.

Chi Ziyu called him over and taught him to cut branches and repair the appearance of green plants.

Chang Sheng has never been exposed to these, but he studies very seriously.

Chi Ziyu was very satisfied with him from the bottom of his heart. It seems that he didn\'t recruit the wrong person this time.


White Deer Academy.

Two huge evergreen pines and cypresses stand upright at the door.

The sound of books is loud inside.