My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 688

My aunt next to me also expressed doubt.

No one in the village knows about Wang\'s behavior.

He raised Qi Laosan, an excellent scholar.

I wish I could put gold on my son\'s face.

How could a widow\'s daughter be married! This is not intended to find happiness for yourself!

"If you don\'t believe it, just ask their family to go and see if it\'s what I said." Longan bet.

When she finished, Chi Ziyu came with a basin of clothes.

Seeing this, longan quickly shouted to Chi Ziyu, "little fish, why are you so late today?"

"I got up a little late today." Chi Ziyu smiled.

Since the discovery that longan\'s heart had long been on Qi duocai, Chi Ziyu was not so hostile to her.

Someone revealed vaguely, "little fish, even if you get up late accidentally, even if your man pesters you and forbids you from getting out of bed..."

"Ha ha..."

"Don\'t say, the old four looks cold and light. He\'s really hot for the little fish.

When I saw him, he was all greasy and crooked with the little fish, like a mandarin duck in the water. "

Hearing the speech, everyone covered their mouths and laughed.

The people chatting by the river are women, and most of them are married. These people don\'t avoid meat and vegetables.

Chi Ziyu had long been used to their jokes. His face was slightly red and didn\'t explain anything.

It seems that... This is the case

There\'s nothing to be ashamed of, but it may not be very interesting.

Longan specially stared at Chi Ziyu and saw a faint red mark in her tightly wrapped collar.

At that time, longan\'s face became guilty.

I haven\'t eaten pork and I\'ve seen pigs running.

She suddenly remembered the night with Qi duocai. In fact, nothing happened to them.

Han repeatedly confirmed with her that she was clean and virgin.

In fact, she still has some regrets. In fact, she doesn\'t mind what happened with Qiduo at all.

"Little fish, I heard that longan is not married to the fourth, but to the third." Aunt Qiu asked.

Chi Ziyu nodded, "yes, what\'s the matter?"

"Didn\'t you say you were a flat wife?" Someone interrupted.

It\'s embarrassing to be a flat wife. Everyone laughed behind their backs for a long time.

Good girl, why are you so reluctant to break up other people\'s little husband and wife? What a shame.

"Yes, I also remember that your mother-in-law said to marry Qi Laosi. When did she become Laosan?"

"Maybe my mother-in-law made a mistake." Late roe path.

The crowd looked at longan strangely.

Longan\'s face was full of pride. "I said I was married to Togo. If you don\'t believe it, you\'ll know when you come over for a wedding drink."

The people were still full of disbelief.

Normally, it shouldn\'t.

How can longan marry Qi Laosan? It\'s strange.

"Little fish, Togo, has he gone home?" Longan asked himself.

Longan doesn\'t care about everyone\'s questions. Anyway, her marriage to Qiduo has long been a firm decision, and the bride price has been paid.

"He doesn\'t seem to be back yet." Chi Ziyu found a green slate and settled down.

"We are going to get married. Why doesn\'t he come back..." longan muttered gloomily.

"I don\'t know. Ask my mother-in-law about them."