My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 657

Qiduocai frowned and thought, and finally compromised, "I know, mom."

Although he sympathizes with longan, his mother\'s life cannot be violated.

Qiduocai sent qixingyun to the guest room alone.

Fortunately, qixingyun is still well behaved and is willing to cooperate with qiduocai\'s actions.

Watching the two people go out safely, qijiabao and Wang also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let\'s put out the candles and go to bed." Wang said.

Then he went to put out the candles in the main room.

Silver moon Walton slipped in and spilled all over the floor.

Qiduodi has fallen asleep at the table. I don\'t know what happened.

Qi Duojin still had some consciousness and asked strangely, "eh? Why is it dark?"

"Go to bed when it\'s dark. What are you yelling about?"

Qi Duojin was confused in his mind, "Oh..."

Then he lay down on the table and slept.

Wang and qijiabao went back to the house together. They were not busy. They took off their clothes and went to bed.

It\'s too late now. Wang has long been sleepy.

If qixingyun hadn\'t been holding on, she wouldn\'t have tossed so late.

"Today\'s big trouble has finally been solved." Wang was satisfied.

Qijiabao nodded, "it\'s not easy. I drank up all my jar of flower carvings."

That\'s his favorite wine. Don\'t say how painful it is.

"I\'ll go to the city and buy you a jar later. What\'s sad?" Wang didn\'t care.

"What\'s more, after Lao Si\'s heart belongs to us, he obediently handed in the money. How many flower carvings do we want to buy?"

"You have the idea of old four again..."

"He\'s my son. I don\'t think about my son. Who\'s he..."


Longan has a bad drinking capacity. After getting drunk, he lay in bed and never woke up.

Qi duocai wanted to wake her up in his private heart.

Such a good girl, after tonight, no matter what happened, she was ruined by qixingyun.

"Longan, longan..." when he came to his bed, Qi duocai whispered a few words.

The voice was not too loud for fear that it would disturb the Chi Zi fish in the next room.

However, longan sleeps deeply and can\'t hear at all.

Qi duocaiwu sighed.

I really don\'t understand why his mother insisted on making longan the daughter-in-law of the fourth brother.

How could someone like the fourth brother deserve her

Longan is beautiful, sensible and capable. It must be easy to find an excellent man... My parents are so selfish.

"Fourth brother, it\'s really cheap for you..."

Qi duocai smiled bitterly.

The consciousness of qixingyun on the shoulder is not clear. It\'s very rare for qixingyun to be manipulated by others.

It seems that in Qi duocai\'s impression, Qi Xingyun is always a vigilant and rational person.

But... He still fell into his own hands today

Thinking so, Qi duocai stretched out his hand and was ready to gently put down Qi Xingyun.

There was a sudden dull pain in the back of the neck.

Qi duocai blacked out and fainted.


Both Wang and qijiabao heard the sound of the door closing in the main room.

"Duocai, you came back so soon..." Wang was very sleepy after touching the bed, so he just lay in bed and asked questions.

There was a sound from the main room.

Wang Shi did not doubt that he was there. "Then you go to bed quickly. Your father and I also went to bed. We\'ll talk about the rest tomorrow."

No response.

Wang has long been asleep.

The next morning.

A few shrieks came suddenly from the hall.