My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 658

"Ah --"

Wang had just got up. When he heard the news, he hurried over.

The door of the guest room is locked.

There was a loud knock on the door. "Aunt Qi! Aunt Qi! Open the door!"

Wang proudly picked up the corner of his mouth and pretended to walk forward, "Hey, what\'s going on? Isn\'t longan in the house? Who locked the door last night..."

"Aunt Qi, you\'re here! I beg you to open the door!" Longan shouted with surprise and joy.

Wang shouted, "don\'t worry, longan girl. Aunt, I\'ll find the key for you now.

Who has such a bad heart? I don\'t know you\'re sleeping in longan... "

In fact, the key is on the lock. Wang just wants to delay.

At the moment, the Chi Zi fish next door is still sleeping.

Wang has to attract the late fish.

"Old man, have you seen the key to our guest room! The door here is locked!" Wang raised his voice.

Qijiabao just came out of the house and joked with Wang, "I didn\'t touch the key here. Did they take it from the eldest daughter-in-law?"

"What\'s the matter? Don\'t worry, longan girl. I\'ll find you the key..."

"Aunt Qi, please hurry up! There are people in my room!" Longan is crying to death.

As soon as I opened it this morning, I was dizzy and didn\'t say anything. As a result, a qiduocai with untidy clothes was lying beside me.

Longan was hoodwinked at that time.

He jumped out of bed screaming and found the door locked from the outside.

"What are you talking about! There are people in the room!!" Wang\'s voice was unprecedented, "who is it? It\'s not old four!"

The Chi Ziyu in the house woke up Wang\'s loud voice and opened his eyes vaguely.

The clouds are sleeping soundly.

Chi Ziyu gently pushed Tuixi Xingyun and said, "it\'s noisy outside. Is your mother calling you?"

Qixingyun still closed his eyes, rubbed his forehead and said, "it seems so."

"Go, get out of bed and have a look." Chi Ziyu joked.

"No." Qixingyun stretched out his hand to hold Chi Ziyu tightly and whispered, "let them make trouble by themselves."

Chi Ziyu chuckled, "you\'re too bad."

In fact, qixingyun came back last night and said about the night.

Thanks to qidodi telling him in time, he was ready to deal with it.

Since Wang wanted to blackmail him, he didn\'t mind taking the plan and eating black with black.

Wang\'s voice has succeeded in waking up the whole family.

Except Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun, others ran out to watch the excitement.

Wang pretended to be very worried and comforted, "longan, don\'t worry. I\'ll find the key to open the door for you now.

What do you think it\'s all about? Really, why did old four go to the same room with you... "

"Mother, isn\'t the key on the lock?" Chen Xiangshi asked sincerely.

Wang: "

Don\'t talk if you can\'t talk!

"Oh! The key is here. I\'m too old to see such a big key.

I\'m sorry for you, longan girl. I\'ll open the door for you now. Don\'t worry... "Wang hypocritically unlocked the lock.

The door creaked open.

After seeing the scene in the house, the atmosphere suddenly fell into silence.

I saw longan lying behind the door and crying.

At this time, Qi duocai was wearing a snow-white Chinese coat, rubbing his back neck and misting into the bed.

"Where is this... Mother?! father?! longan?!"

Just now, some confused Qi duocai was frightened by the scene in front of him.