My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 656

Qijiabao was stunned and hurried to action.

Qi duocai saw this scene in his eyes and was puzzled, "Mom, what\'s the matter?"

Wang bluffed him, "it\'s none of your business. Don\'t interfere."


Qijiabao helped qixingyun up.

As a result, the sleeping qixingyun suddenly shook his hand and unconsciously pushed away qijiabao, but the man fell on qiduocai.

Qi duocai pushed him away very hard.

However, as a scholar, he doesn\'t have to work at ordinary times. He really has no strength to bind the chicken, let alone push away qixingyun.

Qiduocai had to give up. For fear of qixingyun falling down, he had no choice but to hold him and said, "the fourth brother is too drunk today."

It was the first time he had seen the fourth man drink himself so unconscious.

What a rarity!

Wang hated iron and steel and walked over to give him a hand. "What\'s the matter? I can\'t help anyone."

As a result, qixingyun was lying on qiduocai\'s shoulder like a dead pig.

Several people joined forces to help, only to break off one of his arms. As a result, the other one habitually took back Qi duocai.

Wang Shi looked at the unconscious Qi Xingyun and was a little anxious.

"How can this be done? The old four looked thin and thin. As a result, he couldn\'t move like a pig."

"I\'ll try." Qi shuipei wants to fight.

"Leave pei\'er alone. Go back to bed." Wang said.

She has always been reluctant to have any intimate contact between qishuipei and qixingyun, including this.

Qishui peinuzui said, "Oh, how can the fourth brother send it?"

"Why don\'t I help him?"

Qiduocai pushed qixingyun, "fourth brother, wake up and I\'ll take you back to sleep..."


Qixingyun seems to have some consciousness.

Slightly lifted one eyelid and wanted to respond, but it didn\'t take long to droop heavily again.

Qiduo didn\'t think about anything else, so he had to help qixingyun out.

Qijiabao also wanted to follow him. Wang said, "let\'s not go there. There will be too much noise later. What if she wakes up her fourth daughter-in-law? Who knows if she is asleep."

"Then we..."

"Or let duocai deliver it." Wang said, "duocai, you remember to send the fourth to the new guest room."

"Longan, she\'s not..."

Qiduo just wanted to say something. As soon as he raised his eyes, he ran into Wang\'s deep eyes and immediately understood everything.

He suddenly said, "this..."

"You sent him quietly." Wang warned, "don\'t make too much noise. Put the old four on the bed and quickly lock the door out.

We\'ll put out the candles and go to bed later. Don\'t let the old fourth daughter-in-law know that we\'ve already finished dinner, or she\'ll come to find the old fourth later, which will be a bad thing. "

Wang is going to hide the truth and hide the truth.

As long as they spend the evening quietly, it will be easy to say anything tomorrow.

Originally, she wanted to put the late fish with wine or medicine, so that they could act.

I didn\'t know that Chi Ziyu was so cunning that she couldn\'t be fooled at all.

Now I don\'t know whether Chi Ziyu has fallen asleep or not.

In short, their movements must be minimal and must not be found by late fish.

"Mom, it\'s not good for us to treat longan like this..."

Qiduocai has always been not optimistic about longan and qixingyun.

Wang said, "she will be our fourth daughter-in-law sooner or later. Why is it bad? Do you have to make trouble on the day when Lao Si got married and make our family lose face?"