My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 650

They cleaned up the backyard, too.

Let go of all the water in the water tank. Two tanks were left, and the rest were smashed.

Qi Xingyun went to the shop next door to buy a sickle and came back to cut weeds.

The wing rooms in the backyard had long been empty, but they were covered with dust.

It\'s a little hard to clean up.

Chi Ziyu found a rag, drew a bucket of water from the well, rolled up his sleeves and worked hard.

She is responsible for cleaning the hygiene of each wing room, and qixingyun is responsible for cleaning the clutter in the backyard.

The two men were busy with their respective duties.

It was very late in the afternoon when Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun locked the door from the shop.

Before going home, they went to see a furniture shop.

Qi Xingyun said he would choose a rattan chair.

Qixingyun took a fancy to a double basket rattan chair.

Supported by columns, the bird\'s nest made of fine rattan looks like a big lantern hanging on the column.

"What do you think of this?" Qi Xingyun pointed to the rattan chair and asked Chi Ziyu.

"Very nice."

In fact, Chi Ziyu thought that it was still very hot for two people to stay in the rattan chair

But this shape is very good. It\'s like playing on a swing. It must be very comfortable.

On balance, the late fish chose comfort.

So a large hanging basket rattan chair was added to the carriage they went back.

Wang and his family had already returned home.

During the day, Qi duocai went to the best white deer Academy in the city to apply for a teacher.

People see that Qi duocai once squeezed into the capital examination, so they didn\'t embarrass him much.

He was hired directly as a teacher.

A month is ten dollars and silver, and there are various benefits on a regular basis.

For example, the Academy will send rice, meat and vegetables to the teachers.

Wang didn\'t like Qi duocai to be a teacher. Later, he heard that the conditions offered by the Academy were so good that he couldn\'t help but follow his heart.

Sure enough, reading a book is good. It\'s such a good treatment to find a job.

Their home days will certainly follow.

Knowing that Qi duocai applied for the master\'s longan, his liking for Qi duocai increased sharply.

In fact, I can\'t be a senior official. It\'s good to be a teacher.

What\'s more, white deer academy is the most powerful Academy in their Jiangcheng. Others can\'t squeeze in if they break their heads.

Wang is in a good mood today.

I went to the city to chop a kilo of pork and came back. I improved my food at night and replenished Qi duocai by the way.

Wang also left longan for dinner.

Longan was not very interesting, but after Wang\'s painstaking efforts, longan finally stayed.

Chen Xiang is cooking dinner today.

Longan didn\'t dare to let herself idle, so she followed Chen Xiang to work in the kitchen.

Chen Xiang cuts vegetables and she washes them.

Chen Xiang cooks vegetables. She serves them.

Chen Xiang has a good character and is easy-going, but longan has no topic with her.


in the house.

Qi shuipei and Wang Shi are whispering.

"Mom, how can I give this package of medicine to my fourth brother?"

After discussing with Wang, Qi shuipei secretly went to the drugstore to buy Fan medicine during the day.

It\'s just that it\'s easier to buy medicine than to apply it.

Wang insisted on leaving longan for dinner at home today. He really meant to set up a bureau.

"Fourth brother, they haven\'t come back yet." Qi shuipei said.

"That\'s just right. When they come back, I\'ll let them come and have dinner together." Wang said.

"What if they don\'t agree?"

Qishuipei plans to consider this matter thoroughly. He can\'t be as reckless as before.