My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 651

The fourth brother and Chi Ziyu are both scheming people. They don\'t have to deal with it with their brains. They will only suffer more losses.

"I\'ll tell your father to invite him." Wang said, "old four listens to your father most."

"OK, I\'ll go and see if the fourth brother is back. Mom, you go to find dad."

Qishuipei can\'t wait to implement the plan.

She is not afraid that the implementation of the plan is too urgent, she is afraid that she will not find an opportunity.

Today, longan is also here. It\'s a once-in-a-lifetime event.

As long as longan and the fourth brother cook cooked rice, everything is easy to say.

The fourth brother can\'t leave longan regardless of everyone\'s gossip.

Chi Ziyu can no longer refuse the existence of longan even if it falls out.

But these people can enjoy their success without spending a single soldier.

Qishuipei can already foresee the future situation in which he will benefit from fishing.


Wang told qijiabao about her and qishuipei\'s plan.

It is difficult for her and qishuipei to implement this, and they need the help of qijiabao.

Qijiabao was not happy at first.

"We\'re in the pit of old four..." qijiabao said in surprise.

Wang stared at him, "are you stupid? We all agreed to let longan marry the fourth. It\'s sooner or later for the two to be together.

What we have to do now is to set them up a little earlier. Why don\'t you think about it? Where is he? "

"I don\'t think it\'s reliable..."

Wang pushed him and gambled, "old man, do you think you can help with this?"

Qijiabao sighed, "it\'s unreliable..."

"If you don\'t help, it\'s certainly unreliable. If you help, it\'s not necessarily." Wang said, "don\'t you want old four to have a queen? Do you have the heart to let him become a houseless?"

"But this method doesn\'t work..."

"Oh, according to what you say, when it comes to the day of marriage, we will tie old four to get married. It must be reliable?"


"I\'ll tell you, it\'s nothing today. We didn\'t do anything wrong. Who do you think is in no hurry.

If it does, longan will really be our daughter-in-law. Don\'t you want longan to be our person? She is much more filial and sensible than the late family. " Wang said.

Qijiabao was careful. She still knew.

Qijiabao wants longan to marry old four, but he doesn\'t want to do anything shady.

In fact, this is all caused by men\'s male chauvinism.

What Wang has to do now is enlighten him.

So qijiabao said unsure, "do you think it can really be done?"

"Sure!" Wang said confidently, "if such a good opportunity can\'t be achieved today, it\'s unreasonable."

Qijiabao thought, "I\'ll try..."

Wang stabbed him in the arm with satisfaction. "Dead old boss, it\'s time to figure it out. Remember not to give up your flower carving."


When qijiabao went to find qixingyun, qixingyun and Chi Ziyu were under the ginkgo tree to discuss how to place the rattan chairs.

"Old four." Qijiabao walked over.


Qijiabao was surprised when he saw the rattan chair.

He asked, "why did you buy this thing back?"

"For the cool." Qi Xingyun said.

"This is not cheap..."

Qijiabao thought that few families in the village would buy this because it was not cheap.

And we really don\'t have the habit of spending money on enjoyment.

Everyone\'s general living standard is below the food and clothing line. Now eating a full meal is the most important.