My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 649

He wants to take the cloth back to his hometown and doesn\'t intend to do business.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun also helped him clean up for a long time.

During this period, the shopkeeper talked a lot about the shop and the shops nearby.

He said that this shop used to be the best business in the nearby streets. No shop in the same industry nearby had such a hot business as him.

Almost every day there are many people in the market, but after only half a year, the situation has taken a sharp turn.

The shopkeeper finally gave a feeble sigh, "Feng Shui turns. Now, bad luck turns to my house."


After half a day\'s effort, the whole cloth shop was empty.

The shopkeeper called a carriage and carried all the cloth away.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun have officially become the masters here.

Chi Ziyu tore up the paper posted for resale at a low price.

Qixingyun moved a ladder from the backyard and took down the signboard of the cloth Village.

Passers-by turned back frequently and pointed.

Look at the posture now. Everyone knows that the shop has finally changed.

The new owner is a young couple.

Both husband and wife work very quickly. Even if they have poor eyesight, they don\'t know how they would want to buy this shop.

If it were someone else, I\'d like to avoid it.

"This shop is said to be haunted. How can anyone buy a shop? I\'m not afraid of being haunted by ghosts."

"Yes, if it were me, I wouldn\'t be rare in this store. Money and human life must be important..."

"The couple don\'t know how long they can last..."


"Everyone treats us as monsters." Chi Ziyu said to Qi Xingyun, "what do you think?"

"Strange or not, it depends on what we think. Do you believe in ghosts and gods?" Qi Xingyun said.

"I don\'t know, but I always think things in this store are very evil."

Qi Xingyun nodded, "well. In fact, I had a guess from the beginning. I think the haunting of this store is just artificial."

"What do you say?"

"Because I don\'t believe in ghosts and gods." Qixingyun said with a faint smile, "don\'t you think that the successive deaths of several people around shopkeeper Yang are like a conspiracy, and the purpose behind the conspiracy is to bring down this prosperous shop."

"You mean someone is hurting them?"

"Who says not? What is more terrible than ghosts has always been the hearts of the people." Qixingyun has a feeling, but he looks indifferent.

It seems that he is used to it. He doesn\'t care about such a sinister competition.

Chi Ziyu thought for a moment, "if this is true, isn\'t the shopkeeper too unjust."

"Yes. He himself has stressed that because he has no power and power, he can\'t change any situation at all."

Qi Xingyun can conclude that shopkeeper Yang himself had such doubts.

But he knew that he was powerless to return to heaven alone, so he didn\'t dare to talk outside.

"It\'s a pity that a good man has ruined his family now. Who is so wicked..." Chi Ziyu said angrily.

It\'s disgusting to do harm to people in order to win or lose in business.

"Maybe we will encounter the same situation in the future. Are you afraid?"

"I\'m not afraid. Anyway, if anyone offends me, I will." Chi Ziyu remembered a sentence he had learned recently.

She is not a vegetarian.

If anyone dares to frame her, she will double it back.

She believed that justice would not be late.

"Very good."
