My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 648

"But since last year, my wife has died of illness, and two boys in my shop have died in succession.

Everyone said that there were ghosts in my shop. They ran and scattered. They were afraid that they would die next.

When the guests heard about our family, they didn\'t dare to buy things in the store for fear that it would bring bad luck to our store. " The vicissitudes of the shopkeeper.

He never thought of a good shop.

Once able to put his business to the peak, now it can also make him plummet.

His wife died and business was bad.

He lived in a muddle every day, and there was no hope of life.

"Why did those boys die?" Chi Ziyu asked curiously.

"They all died in their own house. One of them quarreled with his daughter-in-law and became angry. They drank too much wine outside and drowned in the water."

"What?! how could this happen..."

Chi Ziyu only felt a chill.

The shopkeeper doesn\'t really want to mention this past, but since people are going to buy this shop, he must tell the truth.

He can\'t be sorry for his conscience.

"Another one was killed. I don\'t know if he is an enemy. His family still found my shop to make trouble.

It\'s my responsibility to say that the death of a sophomore is my responsibility. Heaven and earth have a conscience. I really don\'t know anything. " The shopkeeper said again.

"Didn\'t the Yamen investigate?"

"I investigated, but I didn\'t find out the results, and it\'s been so long that it\'s over in the end." The shopkeeper smiled bitterly.

"I\'m just an ordinary businessman, and I don\'t have any backstage. People say these things are white, and I can\'t turn them into black.

Just... I\'m not going to do this business. I\'ll sell my shop and go back to my hometown to farm. My parents are old and waiting for me to take care of them. "

"It\'s not that no one asked about my shop before, but everyone dared not buy it after hearing about my store.

I don\'t think my shop is clean. I haven\'t been able to sell it until now.

If you don\'t dislike it, I\'ll sell it to you cheaply. If you\'re afraid, I won\'t force it... "

"No, we are willing to buy it." Qi Xingyun said seriously.

The shopkeeper\'s eyes flashed, "really?"

"Shopkeeper, please make an offer." Said the fish.

To tell the truth, she was also afraid of the shop, but she chose to believe Qi Xingyun\'s judgment.

The shopkeeper wept happily. "In fact, I tell you, my shop is really good. It\'s very convenient for pedestrians, cars and horses, and there are a lot of guests.

If it hadn\'t happened before, I wouldn\'t have been tossed like this.

Well, I don\'t earn your money now. I only charge you a hundred liang of silver for the whole shop.

I bought this shop for almost a thousand Liang, but now something like this has happened. I know that even if I give it away, others won\'t want it. "

"Then it\'s settled. One hundred liang of silver." Qixingyun doesn\'t bargain.

The shopkeeper didn\'t expect Qi Xingyun to be a happy man, so he hurriedly said, "then I\'ll get you a deed and we\'ll leave a seal at the government later."



The transfer of the shop went smoothly.

The shopkeeper doesn\'t care about the shop at all.

Finally, when the two parties came back from the government, the shopkeeper began to pack the cloth in his shop.