My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 647

But everyone just passed in front of the cloth shop and didn\'t come in.

It\'s strange to be in the bustling, but outside the bustling.

The words "resale at a low price" were pasted on the facade of the cloth shop.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun are very interested in this store.

Wang shop, but resell at a low price.

There must be a reason.

They went in, but there was only a waiter looking at the shop.

Because there were too few guests, the waiter was sitting in front of the counter dozing off.

Neither of them disturbed his sleep.

Chi Ziyu observed the pattern of the store.

The furnishings are simple, neat and clean, but they are a little deserted because there is no business.

The cloth on the shelf is also old. Obviously, these cloth have not been sold for a long time.

I don\'t know why. According to reason, this store is so well located. It should be a prosperous shop.

The waiter took a nap, had a dream, and suddenly woke up.

When I woke up, I saw Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun come in quietly.

The waiter wiped his eyes and thought he was wrong.

I found no, so I hurried forward and said, "my guest, are you here to buy cloth?"

Chi Ziyu said strangely, "waiter, why is your store so deserted?"

The waiter\'s eyes flashed and said with a smile, "I don\'t know. Maybe our shop can\'t do business."

"The same was true before?"

Qi Xingyun put his hand on the cloth and wiped it gently. When he lifted it, his slender fingertips were stained with a thin layer of dust.

The waiter stared at his fingers and knew what he noticed. He smiled and said, "I\'m just a busboy. I didn\'t work long. I don\'t know how my business used to be."

"There\'s a lot of ash on this cloth." Chi Ziyu said, "can you call out your shopkeeper? We have something to do with him."

"What\'s up? Just tell me."

"We are interested in buying your shop." Qixing cloud opens the door to see the mountain road.

The waiter was stunned for a moment and immediately expressed his joy. "Wait a minute, I\'ll call our shopkeeper."

Then the waiter ran excitedly to call someone.

"Who wants to buy our shop?" The shopkeeper came out with surprise and joy.

"Just them." The waiter pointed over.

The shopkeeper glanced at both of them. At the same time, his face, which had been defeated for too long, finally had some look.

"Are you really going to buy our shop?"


The shopkeeper thought, "well, come and have a look inside with me. I\'m not going to open this store, so I can give you a big discount on the price."

This cloth shop has a backyard.

From the back door of the shop, there is a large courtyard, with wing rooms on the left and right, which is a bit of a quadrangle structure.

There are many water tanks and bamboo poles in the yard, but there is no one.

And I don\'t know why, it\'s obviously under the heat, but it\'s overgrown with weeds and shady everywhere.

"Our backyard used to be used for dyeing and washing cloth, so it is more widely purchased to facilitate washing and drying." The shopkeeper said.

"Since the backyard needs washing and drying, why is there only one waiter?" Qi Xingyun asked.

Smelling the speech, the shopkeeper sighed and said, "to tell you the truth, Feng Shui in my shop has been bad in recent years."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"My shop used to be a prosperous shop. Its business was particularly good." The shopkeeper is a little disappointed.