My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 643


"Buy one tomorrow." Qixingyun is an activist.

"OK... Eh, look, there is a firefly here." Chi Ziyu suddenly pointed to a flying firefly and said in surprise.

Fireflies emit a faint green fluorescence, flickering.

"There\'s one here, too." Qixingyun also found it.

"There, there too!" Chi Ziyu said excitedly.

Slowly, a few more fireflies came, but not a lot.

They flew in twos and threes, occasionally separated from each other, and drew a beautiful arc in the air.

Xiao Wang was sleeping beside the table. He accidentally saw these green lights.

He couldn\'t help his restless claws and began to chase fireflies everywhere.


In the main room.

A large group of people sat together for dinner, and everyone was sweating all over by the heat in the room.

Chi shuipei, who is most afraid of heat, is no longer allowed to sit around, because once someone approaches her, she will be too hot.

It\'s so hot that everyone has no appetite.

The dining table echoed with the listless clash of dishes and chopsticks.

Guo Jinlian, who likes eating most on weekdays, can\'t get down to chopsticks at the moment.

"Why is it so hot this day..." Guo Jinlian muttered.

"Every year at this time, it\'s hot to death, it doesn\'t rain, and the crops in the field will die of drought." Wang shook the Pu fan in a disturbed way.

The meal was really getting hotter and hotter. After eating it twice, she had to shake it with a PU fan.

"Tomorrow morning, you will go with me to the field to water the crops." Qijiabao said.

He is also worried about the crops in the dead land.

The sun is dying, and the ground is getting drier and drier.

Crops are growing vigorously. If there is no water, they will die.

Qi Duojin\'s face turned gray. "Dad, look, my daughter-in-law is about to have a baby. I have to stay at home with her..."

"I\'ll just stay at home. What\'s your heart?"

"Mom, you\'re going to the market tomorrow." Qiduojin road.

"I think you just want to be lazy, so you find so many excuses to perfunctory me!" Wang didn\'t have a good way. "It\'s not your business for your daughter-in-law to have a baby. Just do the things in the field well for me. You don\'t need to do anything else."

Qi Duojin lowered his head, "OK."

"Mom, what are you going to buy in the city tomorrow?" Asked Chen Xiang.

"I\'ll buy some red paper and red candles." Wang Shi said, "it won\'t be long before old four will marry his daughter-in-law. I don\'t hurry. Old four doesn\'t care about anything at all. Let me do everything. I\'m so angry."

"Mom, I didn\'t mean you. The fourth brother didn\'t agree to the marriage. You\'re the only one who tossed around.

At that time, the fourth brother really won\'t give you face and get married. What should you do? What should I tell you? " Qiduocai said.

These two days he was thinking about how to dispel Wang\'s idea.

As a just man, he doesn\'t want the good girls around him to fall into the tiger\'s mouth.

"It\'s not that I haven\'t thought about it. I\'ll take care of him. Anyway, I\'ve helped him marry his daughter-in-law. People will put him in the house. He has to ask for it if he wants it or not." Wang said.

Anyway, she\'s broken now. There\'s no way back.

Qixingyun refused to eat hard and soft, so she insisted.

Let\'s see who is stubborn in the end.

Qi duocai was speechless, "Mom, why do you have to let Lao Si marry longan? Longan is a good girl..."