My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 642

"Here, by the way, I\'ll give you two cantaloupes."

Uncle Liang took out two white cantaloupes from the basket.

Chi Ziyu looked at qixingyun and said, "can you still take it?"


Cantaloupe naturally accepted.

"Thank you, uncle."

"Thank you for what."

Chi Ziyu stepped into the yard first with a big watermelon in his arms, and qishuipei caught him.

Qishuipei\'s resentful eyes poked at her and finally fell on the watermelon in her arms.

Chi Ziyu raised his eyebrows with disapproval.

Qi shuipei snorted angrily and rushed into the house to shout.

"Mom, I want to eat watermelon, too!"

"What watermelon to eat? Our watermelon is not ripe."

"Liang\'s watermelon is ripe."

"That\'s for money."

"I don\'t care, I\'ll eat! Mom, if you don\'t buy it for me today, I\'ll ignore you!"

Wang\'s sigh came from the room, "you child, why are you so stubborn..."

Wang has returned to his room to get money to buy watermelon for qishuipei.

Soon, qishuipei rushed out of the house arrogantly.

Guo Jinlian\'s cry came out later, "shuipei, remember to buy two more watermelons and I\'ll eat them."


Qixingyun went to the well to fetch water.

Half of the water was left in one bucket, and the watermelon was poured into the water for a while.

If his family has a well, it is best to put it in the well.

The surging watermelon is cold and cool. It\'s very comfortable to eat it in your stomach.

Watermelon is full of treasure.

The red gourd inside is sweet and juicy, which can extinguish the fire.

Watermelon peel is also a good thing.

After cleaning, peel off the hard skin on the surface, then cut into pieces and stir fry.

It tastes a bit like cucumber.

The summer night is much cooler than the day, but the house is stuffy and still a little hot.

Qixingyun set up another small table.

The table is under the ginkgo tree and there are two stools.

Stars dot, ginkgo leaves fall all over the branches.

When the wind blows, the leaves rustle and the insects chirp.

Every night in summer is bright.

When you look up, the stars hang over the field and your sight is wide.

Qixingyun hung a gauze lantern on the ginkgo tree overhead.

Shimmering, flickering.

Chi Ziyu diced a quarter of the watermelon and put it on a plate with several bamboo sticks inserted on it.

Cantaloupe was cut into four petals and placed in a beautiful shape.

"Look at my fried watermelon peel."

"Fried balsam pear."

"And cold cucumber."

"There are no meat dishes today. They are all melons." Chi Ziyu served all the dishes.

"It\'s too greasy to eat meat on such a hot day." Qi Xingyun said.


"Eat." Qixingyun helped her with the meal and handed it over.

"Wait a minute."

Chi Ziyu suddenly remembered something, ran back to the house excitedly, and soon brought out two cups of plum juice.

"This is the plum juice I cooked. It\'s cool now."

She handed one of the cups to Qi Xingyun and left one for herself.

Qixingyun took off the lid, tasted it and said, "it\'s delicious, sour and sweet."

"Eat first. Now it\'s easy to sour your teeth if you drink too much."


"How about my fried watermelon peel."

"Fresh and juicy." Qixingyun said after tasting it.

Chi Ziyu nodded in recognition.

"As long as it doesn\'t rain, let\'s eat out every night this summer. It\'s cooler outside." Qi Xingyun suggested.

"Of course, I think the room is too stuffy. It\'s still cool outside."

"We also need a big rattan chair. When we turn back, we go outside to cool off and look at the stars."